One - Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon

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This, is Berk.

It is home to a mismatched family of vikings and dragons, the two opposites having buried the hatchet and started an alliance.

The resident tribe, the Hairy Hooligans, have adopted the life of their Chieftain's son, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, who shot down and injured a dragon in his quest to be accepted by his father and tribe.

Forming a bond with the dragon, now named Toothless, he lived two lives as he trained to kill dragons, whilst training his own dragon.

The mornings are usually pretty peaceful, the previous pests now no longer raiding the village on a weekly basis. However, on occasion, yells echo around Berk village, footsteps thunder along the plaza, and suddenly, from the sky appears-


In the early hours of the morning, Edge runs from her home in panic, fearing the worst as she hears shouts of fire coming from her fellow vikings.

The new and improved fire brigade, now on dragonback, circle around the burning house of Gobber.

"Bring the Nadders in from the south!" The Chief, Stoick the Vast, orders around the fire brigade as they try to put out the blazing fire.

"I'm on it!" Astrid answers on the back of her Deadly Nadder, Stormfly. The two drop a load of water on the flames.

"Gronckles, aim for the roof!" Stoick gives another order, sending in Fishlegs and another viking on their Gronckles. Hiccup finishes the fire with one last bucket on the back of Toothless. The duo lands beside Edge and Stoick.

"Good work, just a few hot spots left." Stoick praises the team of vikings, looking at his son as the teen lays a hand on his best friend, Edge's, shoulder.

"Where's Gobber? Is he still inside?" Hiccup asks his father in concern.

"No, we can't find him." Stoick answers, still looking around for his friend. A clang sounds from the house of Gobber, and the man himself appears from the ruins.

"I'm right here. That beast will pay for this!" He angrily utters, pushing a wheelbarrow full of equipment in front of him.

"Gobber, what happened?" Stoick questions his friend.

"What's it look like? A dragon set my home on fire!" He bellows in anger. Edge's older siblings and their friends gather beside her and Hiccup.

"What?" Mumbles her sister, Ruffnut, in disbelief, and several other murmurs of confusion is heard from the crowd that has gathered.

"You pushed me too far this time, you ugly bag of bones!" Gobber yells at the dark sky, making the village teens stare as though he's gone mad.

"Dad, what's he talking about? Our dragons don't do that anymore." Hiccup is obviously confused, as is Edge.

"Ah- he doesn't mean one of yours." The Chief answers, frowning.

"Gobber, for the last time, there is no such thing as a-" Stoick is cut off by Gobber.

"Boneknapper?!" He almost shrieks, making the crowd groan, much to the teens' confusion.

"A what-knapper?" Asks Edge's brother, Tuffnut. Gobber turns to the group, riled up.

"A disgusting, foul beast. Wearing a coat of stolen bones like a giant, flying skeleton." He explains, moving his

"Oh oh oh! The Book of Dragons says that the Boneknapper will stop at nothing to find the perfect bone to build it's coat of amor. It's awesome!" Gushes Fishlegs. Stoick scoffs at this.

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