My Lover's Days

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"Be my lover Arthit. I want to make love to you. Please".........

I squeezed his cabooses and he moaned.  He kissed me back umpteen number of times before he separated from me and settled on my bed.  He said,

"I will become your lover once you become more responsible".

"Howz that away from you Arthit?"

"Where is P before my name?  I am your senior."

"You are my boyfriend.  And four years gap cannot be called as being senior.  Do yo hear me?"

"Kong, listen since the time you came into contact with me, you have become irresponsible, insensitive to the needs of your parents and you.  You are just 19.  You cannot waste your time on me".

"I love you and I am not wasting my time.  I am spending my time with my loved one."

"So whole life you want me to feed you for free?  Want to be a freeloader on your parents and me?"

"I did not say that.  But what is wrong in depending on you?  I just cannot concentrate on anything other than you.  What should I do?"

"You love me right.  Then do what I say?  Just pass your exams, join your photography and gym classes.  Accept your modelling assignments and look after your parents.  Please do this for me.  Earn a name and fame for yourself and make me proud so that I can call you my lover.  Can you do that for me Kong?"

"For you, I will do anything.  But I have one condition.  If I do all those things you tell me to do, you will become my lover".

"I promise I will.  You can make love to me too".

"Arthit, mark your words you have tough time when I achieve what you say.  You have spend two days and nights with me making love you and only you".

"Pervert.  Ok done."

"But I will not be away from you.  You will pick me up in the morning and evening.  I will stay with you only and on weekend ends I will meet my parents.  You will feed me and take care of me as you do now".

"I will do everything and do not ask expenses from your parents.  I will pay for it.  Just be something Kong other than an ideal or wasted student."


The next one year was blissful lives I spent with Arthit.  I did not have sex with him but waited for the D day.  But I surely had several make outs sessions with him.  I was obsessed with him.  I attend my classes regularly, completed my photography classes, became fit like a fiddle attending gym classes and slowly bagged few major ads from reputed companies like Adidas, Puma, Oishi  and many more.  I cleared my second year exams and in third year of my degree progamme.  Arthit paid for my entire courses and gym classes.  He dropped me in the morning and picked me up in the evening.  I was fed and clothed by him.  He became my soul mate for entire 365 days of my life.

My parents just adored him.  He took care of my parents and whatever I earned was given to my parents as he did not keep any of my earning.  He said that he could take care of me financially too.  I did not bother to interfere in what ever he did as long as I was not away from me.   Slowly my name and fame rose in the glamour world and I got many assignments as a model.  I earned fairly well but I gave away all the money to my parents.  I did not give to Arthit as well.  Since for me I lived only for him  and in whatever way he kept I was happy.

I lived in Arthit's flat which was near cheap side and slum area.  Many a time my company told me to buy a flat in a posh area so as to keep up my standard but I refused.  By the way, my agent  was the most reputed and famous modelling company of Thailand:  the GMM TV.  I was paired with Thailand's top models for ramp walks and ads.  I refused saying my boyfriend could afford such posh apartments.  Everyone was always inquisitive regarding my way of living.  Since I used to ride in a bike and wear such down market clothes and lived in such an area were the so called middle class people crammed themselves together and yet lived happily.  

Nobody believed me when I said I had a boyfriend since I did not go to any parties and never showed my boyfriend as well.  Arthit refused to come with me as he said it would not match with my status.  What status he was talking about when he knew very well it was him for which I was winning laurels and for no one of course.  I loved him to the core and waited for the night when he became mine.  The time came when on one of the beauty pageants show in Thailand, I was selected to represent my modelling agency and walked away with the best Male Thailand Model trophy, assignments and laurels.  The night when all were celebrating my success I went in search of Arthit who hid himself from all the showbiz and glamour and  waiting for me in the corner of the hall.  I spotted him standing there applauding for me with shiny eyes as if he had achieved some big in his life.   I scooted from there along with Arthit and reached his house.  As soon as we entered his house, he said,

"I am your lover Kong.  I love you.

"I hugged him and made tied the necklace with the moon pendant dangling around his neck.  You are off anybody's reach for next two days Arthit."

And it was at the age of 20 I had my first full intercourse with my lover for next two days and nights gobbling up his cabooses to my heart's content.  A whole year passed with me becoming one of the top models in Thailand and my earning rose to millions.  But still I rode in a bike and my clothes were that of down market according to media critics outside the glamour world.  I could not do anything since my lover could not afford that kind of lifestyle which I really hated to the core since it separated me from him through days and sometimes nights when I had outdoor shootings.  I did everything for him and for him alone.  

I was 21 and now that I was responsible and of marriageable age,I decided to propose my lover as I was becoming desperate to get married and settle with Arthit in his house even as a helpmate for him.  It was becoming extremely difficult for me to be away from me since he became very busy because of his office work.  Since he was an engineer and he was on the verge of making an electric oven, a break through for his company and of course for his own progress.  I did not understand why did he work hard so much since I was happy with the life he provided to me.  Little did I know that he was working day in and day out to earn big so that he could pay for my International Model School which was situated in New York, USA.

After that night's passion and his promise of becoming my husband, I embarked upon my journey to USA much to the displeasure of my heart, happiness of my parents and friends and my lover Arthit.  Little did I know that the man who I left behind was hale and healthy but the man whom I saw when I returned was sickly, thin, pale, bald, skiny and above all a darkened complexion man waiting for his death.

He had stage IV cancer of some rare type (I don't want to know) which was more advanced to the level of beyond any survival rate.  The treatment caused millions and millions of dollars and the cure was still a big question mark.  He hid it from me for whole three months along with my parents, his friends and mine too.   In the beginning of my stay there, he video called me, then few days he just called me and then one fine day he called me to say that he had cheated on me since he lost his senses when drunk so he decided to break up with me.  He thought I would believe him and be mad enough to break ties with him.

He took me for that 16 year old Kong who fell in love with his cabooses.  


Longest chapter in the history of writing any of my stories.  Sorry for any typos or grammatical errors.  I am not at ease to check them.  Since I upset by writing this story.

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