Second Meeting-2

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Boy, he was so handsome for my own good.  Again I met him during another wedding of my cousin's.  This time, I was distantly related to my relative and so I was dressed in ripped jeans and white shirt much to the displeasure of my parents and relatives.  As if I gave a fuck to those ridiculous gazes and stares of being rude, made me arrogantly rude.  Yes, at that time, I was prejudiced at own self because at the age of eighteen, I grabbed an advertisement for Close Up from Unilever, one of the most popular brand in the world.  I was bragging myself in front of my few relatives until I was eavesdropping some relatives about my lover.

His name was Arthit Rojnapat, 22 years old, was in the last year of Industrial engineering, an intern in my father's  purchaser company, a very big company and in fact, it was my father and his friend who were praising Arthit for his dexterity in designing a solar oven much ahead of the times as his final project submission.  He was humble and quiescent person which was unbelievable among today's younger generation.  More than any other trait, he had lot of endurance to put himself in other's shoes.

Kong had enough of Arthit, since he was getting really madder every second he was there since till then he did not laid his eyes on him.  And in frustration he just turned and hit someone and that someone was none other than Arthit Rojnapat.  Man, he was striking, stunning breath taking, gorgeous and hot. Yes, he was so hot in that black jeans, white T shirt and blue jacket.  the brush back wavy hair, the white sport shoes, and the killer stud on his ears.  Enough, this much description was enough for his ravishing and knock out look.  I blinked at him wide-eyed and he moved his lips saying something and left my his palm since till I was stabilized because of his hold.  He held me by his hand and the moment he let go, I lost my balance and fell on the floor completely bowled over at his cabooses, character, brilliance and many things which hazed my mind then.  But one thing was clear, he would be my boyfriend, lover and husband, I decided then and there.  I got up  not gathering any of the crowd's attention since I had to work silently to get him in my life.  At that time, he was most fittest man in my whole neighbourhood.


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