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Well, to get him I had to literally take up a part time job in a Purchasing Department at Oceanic Electrics where he was doing his intern.  Thanks to my Dad he somehow arranged for a job for me since he was more interested in me getting my boyfriend.  Sweet father, yet still I could believe I was, I am and I will be blessed in future to have my father like him.  Mom encouraged me to yet another level.  All ideas related to me being very poor boy story, no one to help crap to get his attention.  But I did not fall into any of those.  Since he was mine then and the ideas would be mine too.

I did not meet for first few days since he was working in a Production Department and try how I might, I was not allowed to go to other departments other than mine own.  The matter was solved by my father and from then on wards I was the frequent carrier to pass files, papers and items of purchase between the two departments.  The first time when I saw him, he was bending at some metal item called air gage and was checking for any kind of leak in the product.  He was bent over the product so much that all I could see ass.  I was becoming more of pygophilist.  A person like got aroused by seeing his bums.  I knew someday I would be the one to play with them.  

He did not notice me but I made myself presentable in his every way possible.  Whenever he was in canteen sipping his pink milk, I was there sucking his lips through my eyes, when he was in washroom, I would be there washing my hands so many times, I really doubted that my skin would have been in tact and last finally leaving office, I would be standing at the gate just to see him take his bike and ride on to his destination.  Almost fifteen days passed by without much progress and in between I got an assignment for OPPO mobile phone ad, which I refused in spite of  name, money  and fame I would have earned as a model.  I chose my Arthit.

I made no attempt to strike any conversation with him since there was none.  I was developing a cold feet and that was when I got diamond opportunity to make him fall for me and he did fall.  


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