Opportunity -2

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Well, let me tell you what happened during the photo shoot.  I was asked to wear male bikini which I refused and the camera man, the producer and the director threatened me with dire consequences.  My co model with whom I had to do the shoot convinced me that it was just an act.  Since I had signed the contract better to complete rather face complications my future projects in the industry.  Somehow coaxed by her, I readied myself and by the way she became one of the best friends in my life.  She was P Maprang.    After many embarrassing retakes and poses, finally the shooting was wrapped up.  But since the shoot was in the beach, there were many locals present to watch the semi nudes models.

There were many loafers roamed around the place where P Maprang was getting on with her shoots which I did not like.  I felt a kind of uneasiness  about their presence.  When everyone was already on their way to their respective vehicles to leave the spot, I saw P Maprang was waylaid by those loafers and she was being harassed by her.  Well, I am Kongpob, as always I butted in and used by fist instead of tongue thereby earning a hateful revenge from them and a lovable, friendly and affable relation with P Maprang.

The same time I was relaxing with my friends in a pub where those loafers were present and without my knowledge they tampered  with my drinks.  Unaware and oblivion of any plans, I waved byes to my friends and hailed for a cab when a sudden pain shot up in my head and the next moment I was down.  Very vaguely, I remember being dragged in a lonely and deserted lane where those loafers kicked me, groped me and were about to remove my shirt.  When I was suddenly dropped down on the floor and heard the muffled noises of men being beaten up and then the foot steps running away in my opposite direction.

I was scooped by Arthit in his arms  and his scent was wafting through my nostrils as he carried me too close to his heart.  His heart was beating like a hydrogen bomb explosion, no, no nuclear bomb explosion deafening all my senses of seriousness of the situation.  I decided nothing was more important to me in my life other than my boyfriend, lover and husband.  Not even my parents, sorry pops and moms, I just love this man. Love with everything in the world.


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