chapter 5

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"Naledi dear come meet the guests "

I sighed in defeat as i walked towards the door. ..i stopped and looked at Aisha

"Thanks , i will be forever grateful dear "..

She walked towards me and gave me a tight hug and i hugged her back

" i will miss you ,you are like a sister to me and i am sorry for what they put you through and um sorry i didn't stand up for you..
you are a very strong person "...she said as she let out a small sob
I felt my heart warm up at  her kind words

I made my way towards the door.."Naledi promise me something "..

I stopped and looked at her
... .
"I want you to promise me that wherever they are taking you won't let anyone mistreat you , do things you dont like or even  bully you i want you to stand up for yourself "..she said as as tears cascaded her cheeks ..
"Naledi promise me, promise me please"

I didn't know what to say so i just gave her a small nod and left the room. .

"Naledi dear we are waiting for you"..why is acting nice?..

As i walked towards the sitting room i caught sight of two tall guys one white and the other one coloured dressed in black casual  clothes. .

"You must be Ms Brown"the coloured one stated and i just gave a small nod..

"We will take our live now thank you "the white guy said to my aunt and uncle....whats the  hurry?

I quietly followed them to the they walked towards the car..i stopped and looked and my aunt and uncle. .

"Thank you" i said ..looking at them
"Ungrateful bitch" uncle Peter said
"Good redence" said aunt Pamela and slammed the the door to my face. ....

I quickly walked away and climbed into the car...
"Um Torris and this is Calton "..
The coloured guy said and i just starred at him .

"And whats your name sweetheart "the white guy said with a smirk plastered on his face. I just ignored him not wanting to start an argument. .

"man boss is definitely going to make alot money with this padre " i head them chatter amongst themselves in a language that i swon i had l
  had heard on tv..
As i concentrated on the amazing view that i haven't seen in years unfolding in front of my  eyes..

It felt like hours when we finally arrived at a warehouse of some sort like the ones we see in see in movies. .

I climbed out off the car when Torris opened the door for me.
The place was surrounded by armed men all dressed in  black formal clothes. ...
I began to panic

As we walked inside i was welcomed with a strong smell of alcohol and a big hall with a lot of chairs and a few decorations
It seemed like they were preparing for an event i guess. .as we continued to walk and passed more armed men i realised  that  this place  was huge and the inside looked more modern compering  with the outside. ..

We  finally came to a halt and saw that  i was now walking  with Calton  only.
He led us to a room full of girls dressed in black  , white and red short , clingy and reaviling dresses..

"Mellisa" Calton said with an  authoritative voice..
A white tall lady walked  towards  us..

"I brought  another  girl"...and he left..



Its about to  get interesting. .please  vote and comment  and follow me..and i follow  back :p.

God bless ♡♡♡

Dear readers
this book  was known  as BROKEN but i recently  changed it to MY MELANIN PRINCESS..
the story  hasn't changed at all i jus changed the name ...

Comment which name  you prefer. ..sweet reading ; )

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