Chapter 7 - Wingman

Start from the beginning

Have you ever wanted to disappear? Hopefully he did not hear that, I was just confused, it's not like a wanted to go on a date with him but his words they were confusing ok? I reassured myself, sensing that my stand was having a blast at my demise. "Oh, I did not think- "cutting him off, I waved a hand with a nervous laugh, "No no, I was just confused- don't think anything by it! Haha I just- ignore what I said." I told him quickly, internally wanting to crawl under a rock. I should definitely learn to shut up.

Since I was finished with my plate I stood up and made my way to the sink in a hurry, people might call that running away, I was fonder of the word strategical retreat. "I'll be sure to take a change of clothes; I'll get changed at Libeccio before leaving." I said in fake composure while washing the dishes. Soon after, Bruno joined my side and handed me his empty plate and started drying the ones I had washed.

Once we were done, I went to my room to grab different shirt and pants, and put them in a bag. Going back to the living room where Bruno was waiting, ready to go, I had a weird feeling in my guts. It was as if something bad was going to happen, but I decided to not pay it any mind and pushed it to the corner of my mind before leaving the apartment with Bruno. During our walk to the restaurant, he mentioned that he had talked with Giorno this morning on the phone, and that they had news concerning the stand-tracker which was the reason of our meeting tonight.

Just like the previous days, nothing much happened during my shift. This time Bruno had no paperwork to work on and simply sat down with a cup of tea, from time to time he would also start a conversation with acquaintances he encountered. It was interesting to see him interact with people other than the mafia, he was charming with everyone no matter their background. From what I gathered he seemed very social, which was to be expected from a Capo, but it wasn't some fake social interest, he seemed genuinely engrossed in every discussion he would be having.

In the afternoon while checking around the tables, I glanced at Bruno's table and noticed he was talking with an older lady. They seemed familiar which each other and were laughing together until at some point, Bruno pointed my way to which the lady turned around with a bright smile and looked at me. Perhaps I was dreaming but I believed the mafioso was flustered, I couldn't be entirely sure since right after meeting her gaze, I made my way to the kitchen without having had a good look at them.

The rest of the day was spent without any trouble, but as time went by, although I still had that same guts feeling as this morning, I also felt very nervous about the meeting later in the evening. In my defense, the first time I encountered the six young mafioso, I almost got jumped by them for being a stand-user. While I understood their reason for acting as such, I couldn't help but want to sneak out of Libeccio and go home discretely. Which I did not, I am a sensible person. But I thought about it.

Six O'clock, I heard Benito call my name from the kitchen; it was a bit earlier than usual but once I stepped inside the room, I was greeted with a large pizza which made my stomach rumble loudly. "Benito, you are God sent!" I blurted, taking his head in my hands and giving him a kiss on both his cheeks. Chortling in response he shoo-ed me away, telling me to get changed before eating, that way I won't dirty my work outfit.

Leaving for the locker room I took off my work outfit and put on the yellow sweatshirt I had picked out this morning, along with a pair of black jeans that fitted me just how I liked them. Looking myself in the mirror I gave myself a thumbs up, it wasn't too overdressed nor underdressed, just perfect for a night out with "friends". I scoffed at the thought as I pushed open the door to the kitchen, as I entered, I was surprised to see Bucciarati leaning on the counter elegantly, chatting with Benito.

I sighed at the sight, not because I didn't want him to be here but because that meant we had to go and I wouldn't have time to eat that delicious pizza. As if he had heard my thoughts, Bruno turned around and gestured me to join him by the counter, "We still have time before joining the others, you should eat beforehand; I have no idea how long it's going to take." He told me in all honesty. Good, because I'm starved, I thought in relief.

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