seeing a dog is Important enough to Warrant a facetime

Start from the beginning

i could feel my face heating up, but i continued.

"and i was like, 'hhhhhh,' because! ahh!! i can't believe this! a week ago, i never would have imagined..."

i trailed off, starting to feel a little funny. this huge life development was happening, in what? five days? six? basically my whole life had just turned around.

"oh boy. hey, ryū? you good, buddy?"

i dragged my hand down my face, and tapped the side of my head a couple times in frustration before letting my arm flop back down at my side.

"ughh, i don't know?? i just realized everything is happening really fast, and- and it's kind of hard to breathe."

"shit. do you need me to come over?"

i shook my head.

"no, it's fine. i'll be fine."

"if you say so... i know it's a really terrifying thing, and i can't imagine how it is for you. i had a lot of time to think everything over and come to terms with my feelings before... you know. and, well, you haven't really had all that time to process. i brought this up less than a week ago, and you were already awesome enough to take initiative to figure out your feelings and act on them! and yeah, it's gonna feel new and scary now, but just try to take things slowly, and you'll get used to it."

"yeah... feels a little weird that i still haven't told kinoshita or narita yet though."

"i mean if you want to we can do that now! hang on, lemme add them to the call!"

he grinned widely and tapped his screen while i did a double take.

"wait, i-"

"too late, it's connecting!"

"what's up?" kinoshita asked.

"yeah, you never call us out of the blue like this!" narita exclaimed, the sarcasm thick in his voice.

noya rolled his eyes.

"ha ha very funny, but some things are just too important to only text about."

"it was just a dog you saw on the street!"

noya, kinoshita, and i gasped in unison.

"listen, i may not be a fan of all the random calls too, but how could you say just a dog?!" kinoshita questioned.

"exactly!" noya added.

"but anyway, you also could've just texted us about that. i love to see dogs, but i'm not sure if it warrants a whole facetime."

noya shook his head.

"i guess you're right, but this is actually super important."

"alright, what is it?"

"i swear if it turns out to be something trivial again..." narita muttered.

noya directed his gaze to my box on the facetime screen.


i mentally prepared myself for what i was about to do, before taking a deep breath and spitting it all out as fast as i could.

"so noya and i may or may not have just had a big heart to heart where basically i had a big breakthrough, and realized i may or may not have a crush on ennoshita, and when i talked to him outside, i asked him out and he said yes."

narita's jaw dropped and kinoshita gasped.

"i guess it was actually important!"

"you're telling me! how long have you been thinking about this?! wait... was this the big controversial topic that you and noya fought about?"

noya and i replied in unison, "yes."

"well damn, guess we gotta start brainstorming now."

i furrowed my eyebrows.

"brainstorming what?"

"official first date ideas!" kinoshita replied, as if it was obvious.

"aw man, i was in the middle of homework as well," complained narita.

"oh. well, it's ok, you can do your homework now, i'm just gonna try to keep processing this all and start thinking of the perfect idea later," i said.

"alright, if you're sure. i'm gonna get back to my homework now, goodnight."

everyone wished everyone else a goodnight, and kinoshita and narita left the call.

i heaved a huge sigh of relief.

"that was scary," i said.

"yeah, it was, and i'm so proud of you! you're so brave!"

i laughed weakly.

"thanks. i think i'm gonna get going now too though."

"okay, goodnight then."

"night, noya."

i left the call and flopped back on my bed. it was still relatively early in the evening, but if i started trying to sleep now, i could get all my overthinking out of the way and actually fall asleep at my normal time.

with this thought in mind, i got ready for bed, and laid back down, closing my eyes and allowing my thoughts to drift whichever way they would go.

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