I dunno what to call this one...

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This part is dedicated to Ash_Greninja2056 for winning the username contest!

Shoutout to: Ash_Greninja2056 AccioBooks08 Generalliam0529 for getting:
                                First!                     Second!                Third!

Well done! To the story!

Clays POV

'So... how did this happen?' Said Clay.

Winter facepalmed and said, 'Never mind, just uhhh... can you fix me? It really hurts!'

Clay eyed him warily. Winter was covered in scars and bruises. It looked like he got beat up.

He sighed and went to get a bandaid.

Kinkajou POV

Kinkajou looked up as Qibli and Moon entered the room. It was good to see that Moon was all right. Wait... what was that on their hands. Was it...

'Blood!?!' Turtle exclaimed. Moon winced.

'Ink?' She said. Kinkajou scoffed.

'Yeah right. Who's is it?'

Qibli explained everything that had happened.

'-So, we caught Winter eavesdropping, and we... kinda got mad?'

Turtle sighed.

'Fine. Just wash it off, we won't tell!' Moon perked up.

'Really? Thanks!' They left, and Turtle coughed awkwardly. Suddenly Carnelian burst in. She looked at Turtle, then at Kink. She sighed.

'I mean, I ship you two, you guys are totally cute together, but please don't make out in our dorm!'

Turtle looked at her in alarm.

'No, w-' He was interrupted as Moon and Qibli came back in. Carnelian facepalmed.

'You guys too!?!'

Soulmates- A Moonbli FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin