The concert

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Moon first POV

Kinkajou, Turtle and I crowded the front of the stage. We were lucky, really, that no one had demanded the front seats because I wasn't up for a fight. The first two people appeared on stage. It was Anemone and Tamarin, performing a duet. They really are cute together. I thought, as they left the stage, arms linked. The blind girl with the princess. I suddenly looked behind me, looking for Qibli. He was nowhere to be seen. The next performance appeared. It was Carnelian, screeching about how good she was at magic, without showing proof, until she was ushered of the stage by Kestrel. A few more acts came and went, until the last one was announced.

'And, last but not least, I would like to welcome the clown of the class and the light manic... Qibli and Colorfly!' Webs called out, his voice amplified by the microphone in his hand. He rushed of stage, and Qibli and another boy that I didn't know walked to the center. He seemed to look at me straight in the eyes, and he spoke into the microphone.

'About time, for anyone, telling you off for all your deeds! No sign, the roaring thunder stopped in cold to read!' Colorfly suddenly spoke, no, he sang, singing two words, 'No time!' Qibli started singing again. 'I get mine, and make no excuses, waste of precious breath!' Colorfly again butted in, with another singsong, 'No time!' And Qibli continued as if nothing had happened. 'The sun shines on everyone, everyone love yourself to death!' He paused, but only to take a couple of quick breaths before starting again. 'So, you gotta fire up! You gotta let go! You'll never be loved till you've made your own! You gotta face up,' He symbolized this by, a little dramatically, raising his head towards the sky, bringing it back to continue the song, 'You gotta get yours!' And then, a twitch louder, 'You'll never know the top till you get too low!' Colorfly, sensing he was no longer needed, crept backstage and disappeared. Qibli had reached the chorus. His strong suit in singing. I thought, slightly amused. 'The son of a, stepfather!' His eyes twinkled in the moonlight. 'The son of a- I'm so sorry!' He pointed down at us at those last three words. Now I get it! Sudden realization hit me. He's trying to apologize for shouting at us! 'The son of a, stepfather! The son of a- I'm so sorry!' He abruptly stopped as lights of every color sparkled everywhere, and many people gasped. It was quite pretty, the lights dancing here and there, the pinks mixing with greens(turtlejou reference), the purple with orange(no ship reference), and cyan mixing with turquoise(ripnami). The lights were everywhere, flashing here and there, and that's when I noticed Colorfly on the support beams, grinning like a lunatic.

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