The dre-- nevermind!

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Qibli first POV

I was walking towards home by myself, when I felt a hand tap my shoulder. I turned. Turtle was there, his eyes trying to warn me what had happened. 'Yes, Turtle?' I asked politely. He started sweating, and I knew that this was serious. Turtle spoke, his voice wavering with worry.

'Moon's been hurt.'

Moon first POV

All I could see was darkness. I tried to open my eyes, but they were too weary. I  heard nothing as my chest rose and fell, rose and fell, and my mind went blank.

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was out on the street, the same street me, Kinkajou and Turtle we're walking home together on. I saw a flash of green behind me, and turned to face Turtle.

'Yes, Turtle?' I asked politely. He looked behind him. 'I think I saw something in that bush over there!' He said, pointing towards one of the most ordinary bushes in the world. I signaled Kinkajou and we slowly made our way over there. Suddenly, a peachy shape came hurtling out of the leaves, and into my face.

I awoke with a start, sweat pouring down my face. I sat up and looked around. Familiar walls surrounded me, and a sudden sound made me turn my head. It came from outside. I shakily stood up, and walked over to the window. And peered out. Standing there, a goofy grin on his face, was Qibli.

I leaned out the window when my eardrums almost burst. A roaring sound was all I could hear, though it was only brief. It was lightning. And it had struck Qibli.

I was falling off a cliff. The sharp, jagged rocks rushing up to meet me. I looked to my right and saw Qibli, falling right next to me. He shouted over the wind. 'Deploy your parachute!' I reached up to my chest, and felt a plastic handle connected to a cord.

I pulled as hard as possible, and my shoulders were screaming out in agony as my descent was halted. I was now floating peacefully in the sky. I looked over again to find Qibli, but he was nowhere to be seen. I looked down. For some reason, he was still falling, his parachute refusing to save his life. I screamed out to him, but no sound came out of my mouth. I could only watch helplessly as Qibli was impaled over and over again by the rocks.

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