Winter got mad!

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The lights flicked off once Qibli and Colorfly left the stage. Winter hurried towards Webs, waving his performance form in the air. It was time for revenge.

Moon POV

Webs left, returning a minute later, just as everyone was getting to their feet. 'Wait, we have a last minute, literally, contestant who would like to sing! What song, he won't tell me, but please give an icy welcome to Winter!' Everyone quickly returned to their seats. I was worried.

Winter started humming, then snapped his head up and sang, 'Once, I was 7 years old, my mama told me, go to your room, I don't even want to see you! Once I was 7 years old!' He paused, and I realized the truth. He likes me, therefore, he hates Qibli! Winter continued, 'It was a big, big world, but I saw it bigger! My siblings pushin' me to the edge of my sanity! Once I was 7 years old!' He stopped, but only for a few seconds. 'Once I was 11 years old, my daddy told me that I shouldn't even be alive! Once I was 11 years old!' I looked around, and saw exactly what I expected. Faces full of sympathy. Winter saw it too, and grinned.

That's when I saw Qibli in the support beams, a bucket of glue beside him.

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