Chapter 29 - That time of year

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A month later, Alison has settled in at the Agreste Mansion very well, and she sees her Grandfather Gabriel a lot after that talk that he and Marinette had. Gabriel has been spending more time with Alison, even with his son. Marinette and Adrien have been cautious about what they do in public with Alison.

It has been weeks since they last encountered Alison's Birth Mother Lisa and they still have not heard anything from her, which is starting to worry Marinette. Adrien knows that Marinette is worried and trying to be strong for her and Alison, so he is not showing his worry, but he is getting worried as well. And now, the day that Marinette never wanted to come is here.

Four years ago:

"Go home, Marinette. I will be fine. I should be finished here in an hour, and then I will be right over," Lilly told Marinette. "But what will I tell my parents, Lilly, if you don't walk in with me?" Marinette asked her cousin Lilly. "Just tell them that I am finishing up schoolwork and will be back when I am finished with what I am doing," Lilly said, trying to convince Marinette to go home.

"Okay. I will see you when you get home later on." Marinette said with a sigh. Lilly nodded, then said, "Make sure you save me some cookies." She stated. "I will. I promise." Marinette said before hugging Lilly goodbye, and then she walked across the road home while Lilly walked back into the school so she could finish some schoolwork before she went home.


"Mari, are you alright?" Ayla asked her best friend as they got to school. "I am fine, Ayla," Marinette said quietly. Marinette walked off from the other three and headed to class by herself. Adrien, Ayla, and Nino were worried about their friend, especially Adrien. Since Marinette woke up this morning, she has been quiet and distancing herself from him and Alison. "Is she going to be okay?" Ayla asked the boys.

"I am not too sure. But we will be there for her every step of the way." Adrien said. Ayla and Nino agreed. When Marinette walked into the school building, she saw that the school had put out the Memorial for Lilly like they did every year since she disappeared. Marinette began walking towards the Memorial. Once she was standing in front of it, she saw a photo of Lilly in the middle of the Memorial, surrounded by flowers, pictures and candles. Some candles were lit, and some weren't.

Marinette kneeled in front of the Memorial, grabbed a candle, and she began to light it. Not far behind her, Adrien, Nino, and Ayla had walked into the school. "Do you see her?" Nino asked the other two. The three of them were looking around for Marinette when Ayla noticed her at the Memorial, "Oh, Mari." She said as she pointed over to where she was. As they arrived, they made their way over to her and kneeled beside her. She had just put her lighted candle down, and Adrien took the lighter from her trembling hand. Then he lighted his candle before passing it to Nino, who passed it on to Ayla.

Marinette was sitting on her knees in front of the Memorial with her hands placed on top, and they were trembling. "Adrien noticed this and placed his hands on top of hers. "Mari," Adrien said. "It was my fault," Marinette said in a whisper. "It wasn't your fault Mari," Nino said, placing his hand on her shoulder. "You guys don't know the story," Marinette whispered. "Marinette, we know. Your parents told us the story of Lilly." Ayla said to her best friend. Marinette turned her head so fast to look at Ayla when she said that, but she looked at Ayla confused before turning back to the Memorial. Marinette felt a tear slide down her cheek, which Ayla had noticed and pulled her into a hug.

"It is going to be alright, Mari; we are here for you," Ayla said, and Marinette nodded. After a few more minutes, the four of them went to class. Everyone was quiet in the classroom, but Chloe, of course. Alya and Marinette took their seats as the boys took theirs in front of the girls. Marinette sat staring into space and didn't even hear Miss Bustier come in. Nino, Ayla, and Adrien were looking at Marinette with worry across their faces.

It was coming to the end of the class when Miss Bustier said, "The Principal would like me to remind you, students, to respect the Memorial in the hallway. As you know, four years ago today, one of our beloved students went missing. So, please be respectful of the Memorial."
"There will be no more memorials allowed in this school after I talk to my Father about this," Chloe said. Everyone groaned and knew that Chloe was throwing a hissy fit. "We don't need a memorial just to make Marinette happy," Chloe added.

Marinette snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her name. "The Memorial isn't just for Marinette Chloe. The Memorial is for everyone." Miss Bustier said. But Chloe just went on, "IF Marinette was the one missing. We wouldn't have a memorial for her. She should have gone missing four years ago instead." Everyone in the classroom gasped, horrified at what Chloe had just said. Marinette heard what Chloe said, and she gathered her things up fast and ran out of the school.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!" Ayla said, standing up from her seat, angry. "What? I am only saying what everyone here is thinking. If you can't handle the truth, that is your fault." Chloe said. "I do not think everyone here thinks that at all," Ayla said, getting even angrier. "Do you think that, Adrien?" Ayla asked him. "No, never," Adrien said.

"Nino?" "Nope"

"Rose?" "No, never"

"Nath?" "Nope"

"Kim?" "No"

"Ivan?" "Never"

"Max?" "Never"

"Alix?" "No way"

"Mylene?" "No way, never."

"Juleka?" "Never in my life."

"Sabrina?" "Yes"

"Everyone here is too nice to say what they are thinking," Chloe argued. Ayla was getting angry with Chloe. Nino stood up to stand beside his girlfriend, and he wrapped his arm around her to try to calm her down. "Chloe, stop it now! You and I know what it is like to lose someone you love." Adrien said, trying to keep the anger out of his voice. "Don't compare me to her," Chloe yelled at Adrien while pointing out the hallway. "Miss Bourgeois, that is enough." Miss Bustier said.

"But I didn't do anything," Chloe said, trying to act innocent. Everyone part from Sabrina could not believe what they were hearing. "Right, everyone else, you can leave. Chloe, you are coming with me to the Principal's office," ordered Miss Bustier. "WHAT!! MY FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!" Screamed Chloe. Everyone was leaving the classroom when Nino said, "Let's go and find Marinette."

Ayla and Nino agreed with him, and they went to go and find her. The first place they went to was the Memorial, thinking that she would be there. But she wasn't after checking around the whole school and still could not find her. They decided to go to the Bakery to see if she went home.

"Hello, my Children," Sabine said when she saw Nino, Ayla and Adrien enter the Bakery door. "Hi, Sabine." They greeted. Sabine was looking at them, asking with a look where her daughter was. "Did Marinette come home just now?" Ayla asked Marinette's mother. "I haven't seen her. She might have gone through the side door.

So, she might be up in her room." Sabine said. Ayla turned to the boys and said, "I am going to see if she is upstairs in her room." Then she headed upstairs. Sabine turned to the boys and asked," What happened?"
"Chloe happened," Nino answered.

Ayla knocked on Marinette's door, but there was no answer, so Ayla walked in and called out to her. "Mari, are you here?" Still no answer. Ayla tries to ring her. "Hi, this is Marinette. Sorry I couldn't answer right now. But leave a message after the beep," Said Marinette's voicemail. "Dumb voicemail," Ayla said, so she tried texting her instead.

Ay: Mari, where are you?

Ay: Are you okay? We are getting worried.

Ayla texted and rang her, but she would not answer, so she decided to go back downstairs, where Sabine, Tom, Nino, and Adrien were talking. "She is not here. I have tried ringing and texting her, but she won't reply. "Ayla said as she walked back into the Bakery. "Are there any places Mari would go when upset?" Adrien asked Marinette's parents. "There are a few places where she could be," Tom said to the group.

"Okay. Sabine, could you write them down for us, please." Adrien asked Sabine. "Of course, Dear," Sabine said as she went to go and get a piece of paper and a pen to write the places down for them. "Ayla, you and Nino start looking for Mari while I go and get Alison." Adrien Demanded. They both nodded, took the piece of paper that Sabine gave them, and went out to look for the best friend while Adrien went to the Centre to pick up his daughter.

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