Chapter 11 - Broken Window

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It was 12:30 pm when the Alarms in the bakery suddenly went off. Alison had woken up screaming with her hands covering her ears. Marinette climbed out of bed and down her ladder, then went to her to calm her down. "Mummy, what twat wound?" Alison asked, crying in Marinette's arms. "It's the alarm from the bakery, baby girl." Replied Marinette. Marinette had picked Alison up and went downstairs to the bakery to see if her parents were up and to know why the alarm was going off. When she got downstairs to the bakery, she heard her parents trying to turn the alarm off, and that was when she noticed the broken glass everywhere.

Marinette went to put Alison down on the stairs that led to the bakery. "Stay right here, Sweetie," Marinette said. Then she walked over to her parents. "Mama, what happened here?" Marinette asked her Mother. "We are not too sure. Just that someone threw a rock at our window and which shattered it. Then the alarm went off." Her Mother said. "You should take Ali upstairs, and you should go back to bed; otherwise, you won't get up in the morning." Suggested Tom. Marinette said a quick 'night' to her parents, then she walked back over to Alison and took her back upstairs.

"Mummy tan I sweep witf you," Alison asked her Mother. "Of course, you can sleep beside me, Darling," Marinette said. Tom and Sabine had stayed downstairs to look and ensure that nothing else had been broken. "Who would do such a horrible thing to us?" Sabine asked her husband. "I don't know, my Dear. But whoever it was must have done it as a joke. Which isn't funny at all." Tom said back to his wife as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into him.

It was about 6:30 in the morning when Marinette's alarm went off. Marinette had rolled over so she could turn her alarm off. She rolled back over to see Alison lying between her and the wall. It didn't take long for Alison to wake up. "Morning, Baby girl," Marinette said as she sat up, rubbing sleep from her eyes. "Mownwing Mummy," Alison said. Marinette got out of bed and down the ladder, then turned to help her Daughter down, and they both went downstairs. "Morning Mama, Moring Papa," Marinette said, kissing her parents on the cheek.

"Mownwing Gwandma Gwandpa." Said Alison. "Morning Mari, and Good morning to you, Ali," Tom said as he helped Alison onto her chair. Once they were all ready, Alison and Marinette waited outside the bakery for Adrien to arrive. Alison had noticed Adrien coming around a corner and her straight to him. "Daddy, Daddy." Alison cried as she ran to her Father. Adrien saw his Princess running towards him, and as she got closer, he stopped to let her run straight into his arms.

"Morning Princess." He said, lifting her onto his shoulders. Adrien carried on walking to where Marinette was standing when he noticed that there were police standing around the bakery. "Morning, Mari," Adrien said as he put Alison back onto the ground and gave her the what happened look.

"Morning, Adrien. I will tell you later." She replied. Adrien nodded. "Let's get you to Kindy." He said as he took Alison's hand in his. Then the three of them walked to the Kindy, a block away from their school. When they arrived at the Kindy, they saw Nino and Ayla dropping Ella off. Alison let go of her Father's hand when she saw Ella and ran to her new friend. While Marinette and Adrien followed behind her. "Ella!" Alison yelled out. "Ali!" Ella yelled once she saw who called her name. Ella had let go of her parent's hands and ran toward Alison. Both girls hugged each other and then waited for their parents to catch up.

"Hello, miss Ali," Alya said, saying hello to the young girl. Alison just replied with a slight wave. "Hi, Aunty Mari and Uncle Adrien," Ella said as she hugged them. Adrien and Marinette hugged Ella back as well. Then the four walked the girls into the centre and helped them put their bags and lunchbox where they were supposed to go. Adrien and Marinette told Alison they would be back to pick her up after finishing school at 3 pm. They kissed and hugged their daughters while saying their Goodbyes, leaving the centre to walk the block to school.

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