Chapter 23 - Alison's first night in her own room

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"Yucky Mummy and Daddy," Alison said when she looked up from her doll to see what her parents were up to. Marinette and Adrien came back from their kiss and started to laugh. "I forgot she was still in the room with us," Marinette said as she stood in Adrien's arms. "So, did I actually." He said. Marinette dropped her arms from his shoulders as he let go of the cheek he was stroking and left his other hand wrapped around her waist. She turned to face her daughter, who was still on the other side of the room.

"Come, her Sweetie," Marinette said to her daughter. Alison dropped the doll she was playing with and ran to her parents. Marinette picked her up when she got closer to them, and the three of them had a group hug. "Does twis mean we awe family now?" Alison asked as she looked at her Mother and then her Father. "We will always be your family, Baby," Adrien said to his little girl. "Pwomise?" Alison asked. "Promise." Adrien and Marinette both said at the same time. They both kissed her before giving each other one more hug.

"Want to go and watch a movie together?" Marinette asked. Alison had shouted a yes loudly, which caused her parents to giggle. They walked over to the couch, and as Adrien put a movie on, Marinette was already sitting on the sofa with Alison curled beside her. Adrien soon joined the too and sat beside Marinette. Then he put his arm around her, and they all curled up on the couch together and watched the Smurf movie.

After they all had Dinner and they had gotten Alison ready for bed, they read her a story before she went to sleep. "Do you like your room, Baby?" Marinette asked Alison. "I do Mummy wery much." She said. "But the bed is too big for me," Alison told her parents. "Yes. The bed is a bit big for you, isn't it? We should get a bed that is Ali's size, shouldn't we." Adrien said. "Uh-huh." Came Alison's reply. "Okay, remember my room is across from yours, and your father is two doors down," Marinette said to Alison.

Alison nodded her head as she let out yarn, and she rubbed her eyes. "Goodnight, Baby. Sleep well, and we will see you in the morning. We love you so much." "wove you, Mummy, Daddy." Alison heard it as she fell asleep with her thumb in her mouth. They both kissed her and then left her room. They left the door ajar so if needed, she could leave her room to go to her Mother's or Father's room during the night. As they were walking back to Adrien's room, he asked Marinette,


"What do you say about going on a patrol tonight, M'Lady?"

"I think that is a good idea, Chaton, since we have not done a patrol since we started Fostering Alison," Marinette replied. When they entered his room, they had called on their transformations. "Tikki Spots On!"

"Plagg Claws Out!" Then they jump out the window. "I don't think I am ever going to get used to transforming in front of you, Adrien," Marinette said as she looked over at her partner in crime. "And I am never going to get sick of seeing your transformation, Bugaboo," Adrien said as he stood beside her in his outer ego. Together they jumped out of the window and started their patrol around the city of Paris.

An hour and a half later, they had met up at the Eiffel tower just like they did after each patrol. "Everything good on your side of the city  Chaton?" Ladybug asked. "It was quite nothing out of the ordinary. What about you, Bugaboo?" Chat asked. "I was the same for me on my side." She said as she looked out into the night that was overlooking Pairs. "I think we should get back home to our daughter. We have been out for nearly two hours and still have school in the morning." She said. "Yea, let's go home, Bugaboo. Race you back home?"

"You are on." They raced all the way home. Once, they jumped back through the window of Adrien's room and called off their transformation. Adrien then took Marinette's hand and walked her to her room. On the way to her room, they poked their heads in to check on their daughter, who was sound asleep, before continuing across the hall to Marinette's room. "Adrien, what will we do with Ali when this school project is over?" She asked him as they stood outside her door. "I don't know, Mari. I don't think I could ever send her back to that Orphanage after this is done." He said. "I know I feel the same way."

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