Ahriman chuckled and straighten his back as he walked over to Blake. "Perhaps."

Blake pouted at the diverting answer which only made Ahriman grin and pinch his cheek.

"You- I can heal her! If you kill them," Matthew shouted but no one believed him. Or maybe no one wanted to risk it for Scarlett. Either way, no one heeded his calls.

"I want justice. He killed my son!"

The glade was deadly silent except for Matthew's shouts. Blake felt Jaxon tremble and looked up at him seeing his stiff jaw and pale face. He remembered that Jaxon was the one that had found the body. The horrors that he must have experienced.

"And I already told you that we will see to it," said Elliott.

"I don't trust you. I want him dead."

"You want all of us dead."

"If you do not give me want, I will come back with the Justicars. I will not-"

A growl silenced Matthew who stared at the strange sight. Ronan had entered the scene and most back away. Some out of respect, others out of fear of catching whatever plagues him. Ronan grabbed onto Mark and hit him so hard that his head slammed into the ground. Blake couldn't help but to let out a whimper when Ronan climbed onto Mark and continued his assault. Twisted sounds echoed as Mark's face was hit and blood splattered onto Ronan's face.

"Ronan!" Elliott grabbed onto Ronan who stared at the body under him. His glowing amber eyes looked up at the horrified Matthew who stared at Mark. Tears streamed down Mark's face as he sniveled like the child he was. Matthew stumbled back a few steps when the realization hit him. This was a child.

"Is this enough? Or do you want me to finish him off?" asked Ronan. His cold eyes awaited Matthew's answer but Matthew just ran never daring to look back. Ronan turned to the witches.

"I hope this concludes our business."

The witches did not dare to say anything and just ran off taking their wounded with them. Leon followed them as he was worried about his mother. Blake just stared at the scene before turning around and vomit. Jaxon held onto him trying to comfort Blake but nothing could ease the rotten feeling inside his chest.

"The boy is alive," said Kai loudly. Most likely to comfort Blake who had reacted the strongest.

"Send him to the healer," Owen said grimly as he watched Ronan who fell onto the wall with a groan and sat down with closed eyes. Weariness plagued his very being.

"All of you, leave. We are done here," Elliott commanded while his eyes watched Ronan who took some trembling breaths. Joshua narrowed his eyes but did not say anything as he pulled the rest of them away. Blake could feel Jaxon trying to pull him away to but Blake pulled himself free. He still had something to do.

"Ahriman... What word should be used?"

"Xar, perhaps."

Blake let out a burst of humorless laughter. Yeah, that would do.

He walked over to Ronan who opened his eyes and stared at Blake.

"Blake-" Elliott began but Blake did not listen.

"Come to finish me off, lad?" Ronan said with a grin.

"I'm not like you," said Blake and touched the man's feverish skin. He closed his eyes and focused. Feeling the taint running through Ronan's veins. "Man Ogardan Pohisn Im Xar Ow Besaz Oy Res."

Blake heard gasps around him and he knew that the spell had worked. He could feel the taint entering his own body. He opened his eyes to see the black blood gone from Ronan's wound which rapidly healed with his shifter's healing ability. Now the rest was up to Ronan.

Primalcraft: Sins of Bygone days (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now