Chapter 5 - On edge

Start from the beginning

Bruno was by my side a few minutes after having a talk with the chauffeur, placing my bag meticulously in front of me instead of letting it dangle in the back, we started our walk to the store. Naples was a touristic place, which made it very easy for pick-pockets to earn a livelihood from their petty theft. With that in mind, I was careful to keep a hand on my bad to avoid being a sucker that gets pick-pocketed. "Oh, by the way Bruno, I'm glad someone brought you a change clothes; casual looked good on you, but not as good as those suits." I looked up at him with a genuine smile, pink dust covering his cheeks.

"Thank you cara," looking at me with his usual fondness, he continued, "do not worry, I asked Mista; he's someone we can trust." My eyes widened a moment, before looking straight ahead, pinching the bridge of my nose, "Please tell me he did not see my sorry ass on the couch, I looked like a mess" I said with a desperate sigh, a pleading look on my face. Chuckling in response, Bruno shrugged lightly "I cannot promise anything, Sex Pistols, his stand, wanders about everywhere- but I blocked the doorway, I hardly think he's seen anything." He explained offhandedly, giving me a reassuring smile.

Sighing in relief, I took a turn in the street towards the store and replied, "Trustworthy or not, he flirted with me when we met, that was weird." I said with gross out expression, the worse was that he was so openly commenting that it took be by surprised. Surprising me once more, Bruno laughed out loud at my words, "That was mostly Sex Pistols; considering that a stand is a manifestation of the soul, he must have found you pretty and well, Sex Pistols reacted a bit too much to it." That made sense, it must have been what gave me away; I had heard his stand and reacted as though they had spoken to me.

"Manifestation of the soul, uh?" I said out loud, pondering the idea a little. It was a very interesting concept, it explained indeed why Mista's stand was so loud but regarding my own stand I was a bit dubious, wait- wait; Yesterday was pretty touchy with Zipper last night, shit. My face flushed red very quickly, I looked anywhere but at the man next to me, I really had to have a better control of that little shit. How do I even teach subtlety to that cat idiot? Oh god, just because I found Zipper's user hot, my stand reacted to it like that?

Walking a bit faster, I heard Bruno's deep chuckle in the back, good for him to find my embarrassment funny, I thought with a pout. As we arrived at the store, I noticed a group of people with beer in hand, hanging by the entry. Everyone is familiar with that type of people, if we're lucky they were really just hanging around together, having a great time and not here to be weird with bystanders. However, there was also the possibility that they were assholes looking, here to hit on people, I wouldn't use the word flirt considering that it's completely unwanted attention.

Mustering my courage, I marched forward with my head high and started repeating a mantra in my head, if they start shouting, ignore them, if they start shouting, ignore them. "Hey bella, are you free tonight?" one shouted from afar, eliciting some whispers among his group. I could just tell them no, but no was never an answer for people like that. Quickly walking past them, I dodged one who tried to grab my arm and entered the store, sighing in relief once inside.

I was glad Bruno did not interfere, knowing full well it couldn't have gone awry if they were the hot-blooded type. Looking back at the Capo, I saw he was frowning at me, as I was about to talk, he cut me off "Cara? Are you okay?" he asked me, worried. Chuckling, maybe nervously, I waved it off with the smile, "I'm all good, they haven't done anything. I'm used to it at this point, I just got to walk fast, it's whole strategy you see." I told him with a nudge and a playful smile, pulling reusable bags from my own as I started walking towards the isles I needed.

Shaking his head, Bruno grabbed my arm gently, stopping me dead in my track. "Just because you're used to it doesn't mean it should still continue." He told me simply, this time I was the one to frown. Coming from him it was very ironic, he was tall and could definitely intimidate those bastards. If I tried, they'd try to ... Anger was rising inside me, "Isn't it easy for you to say? Think a bit Bruno, what could I possibly do, uh? Tell them off? That sure would end up well for me, try to threaten them? Yeah sure, it'd totally work out!" I reeled off, my voice a bit louder than I expected it to be.

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