Forever in the Mafia: XIV

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Chapter 14: Ron McDough
Contains mature content and upsetting themes

My body was pressed against Aroona's as we danced to the club music. I glanced over my right shoulder at the slimly red haired man nursing a drink at the bar looking at every females ass who walked by

"Approaching target" I informed Aroona pulling away from her and strutting to the bar. I pulled the back of my red mini dress down as I kept my eyes on the target.

I walked past the red haired man (the target) purposefully  nudging him causing his drink to spill down his front. "I'm so sorry" I exaggerated  patting him dry with a bunch of tissues at the counter.

His bodyguard standing beside him attempted to remove me but the target held his hand up causing him to withdraw his pursuit

I was actually patting him down for weapons, I felt a small gun possibly a Raven arm tucked at the front of his pants. "It's alright sweetheart I'm sure you didn't mean it" he told in a gruff voice, his hand stroking my arm. I resisted breaking it.

"I really am sorry, I guess I'm a clumsy drunk" I flirted my hand still rested on his chest. He looked me up and down with a predatory tension as I twirled my hair flirtatiously running my hand up his chest.

"What's your name darling" he asked a creepy smirk plastered on his cracked lips. "Gemma Ryans" I lied. "And you" I asked biting my lower lip. "Ron McDough" he told truthfully.

"You enjoying your time here" he asked his eyes devouring me perhaps trying to gather a sense of my drunkness.

"Perhaps more with a drink" I smiled flirtatiously causing him to grin with eagerness

"I'm sure I can arrange that darling" he told the bodyguard to get me a martini, leaving him alone. "Bodyguard has left Astrid make your move" Aroona informed the others through  the earpiece, from her position on the dance floor.

I stroked his shoulder seductively"Ron your so kind" I flirted. "And you're incredibly hot" he growled his hand slipping down my waist and cupping my ass.

I wanted to chop that hand off. I hated his slimy touch on me.

"I think I'm gonna be sick" Alex groaned into the earpiece seeing the visual from security cameras in his position in the van stationed outside.

"Maybe my kindness can be rewarded" Ron asked his predatory gaze making me internally grimace

"Anything you want" I whispered in his ear making him groan grabbing my ass harder. He shared a word with his bodyguard who returned with my drink then quickly took me through the back red door

Above there was a glass sunroof, where Aakshi was stationed waiting with her sniper gun in case anything went wrong.

"Are we allowed back here." I asked as he locked the door leaving the bodyguard outside.

The room was empty with only a single black couch facing the door.

He sat on the black couch his legs spread wide open as I stood "Gemma I'm the owner so I promise, you won't get into trouble for being in here, however you do seem like a very very naughty girl" he growled showing his yellow stained teeth.

*internally dies*

"Now come here" he demanded with a finger pointed to me. I walked slowly towards him leaning close to his face distracting him with the dip of my breasts. My hands slipping down his waist towards his gun and as our lips were about to touch I whispered "Got you McDough" I slipped his gun out into my hands also grabbing my gun from my waist belt.

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