Forever in the Mafia: V

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Chapter 5: engagement ring
Contains mature content and upsetting themes

The crowd gathered around in the main hall, all dressed in the traditional Inferno color of Red. A mafia meeting had been adjourned around the topic of Divavolos joining with Infernos.

"Attention" Father spoke loudly immediately bringing silence to the room. Me, Alex and my father were all standing on the wooden stage centered in front of the balcony. To the right was a bar bustling with various people from dealers to snipers and to the left there's seating ranging from red suede couches to black leather chairs. This is where infernos tend to join together socially, being part of a mafia is like being a family.

"This meeting has been called to discuss the topic of my daughter Astrid Garcia  marrying Leo Ares, future heir of Diavolos." My father's voice boomed through the hall as everyone looked to him with monotone faces, not a single word was spoken. My father had a great authority over his people, they respected him and I too needed to gain respect.

" my relationship has lead to a great alliance between the Inferno and the Diavolos, so this must be taken into account in field" I spoke clearly but my voice not booming with authority like my father.

"Is this a real marriage or just another fake alliance" a voice from the crowd questioned. I expected questions and doubts so I quickly and confidently replied, with. "I do not need to prove that mine and Leo's relationship is  real. But for clarification we met six months ago at a club and have been dating in secrecy ever since due to the concern of the heated relationship between the infernos, and the Diavolos. But now with Matteo's and Adrian's blessing we will marry. In turn for all of you this union will be advantageous in field".

"The Diavolos are ruthless what if they don't follow through with the alliance" another voice spoke abruptly."They may be ruthless however they are also known from their extreme loyalty. They will follow through with the alliance, as will we" I demanded, looking down to the crowd of red and black .

I looked to my father who showed no emotion then stepped back as he stepped forwards. Alex looked to me and nodded meaning well done, so I nodded back hoping I had convinced the majority.

"Other matters now must be discussed. Alex and Astrid are both considered for the leader of Infernos ,as Astrid is now of age, overtime I will choose who is right for the role" my father spoke leaving the crowd in a eruption of talk. This was not a good sign.

Suddenly someone called out, "Astrid has never been in the field and is not actively involved. She isn't even qualified for leader" I looked to the crowd emotionless but my heart thumped with worry.

Before my father could speak I stepped forward and shouted "I may have never been out into the field, however my loyalty will always lie with The Inferno's. I have been raised with the skills and knowledge to lead the infernos and will be more active in the field than just behind scenes After all Simao Inferno ". (Siamo Inferno- We are hell)

My small speech left the crowd quiet no one else interrupted or questioned. I knew it was time to go in field although I don't feel ready it's an experience I couldn't avoid.

Soon the meeting finished and everyone scattered the hall, loud conversations and laughs filled the halls.

Before I stepped away from the podium ,to find Aroona, my father walked up to me and whispered"I'm impressed Astrid. Let's hope you live upto the expectations" then he left with Alex and 3 other men out the doors. My heart swelled with an unfamiliar feeling, my father said something slightly nice to me, although now I had to meet the demands.

I found Aroona in the corner of the bar sipping on a root beer. "Hi" I greeted as I approached her. "Quite the speech up there" she smiled. "Thanks" I blushed. Quickly she grabbed my forearm and pulled me into one of the bathrooms leaving her drink on the bar side.

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