Forever in the Mafia: VI

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Chapter 6: Anything you want
Contains mature content and upsetting themes💖 This chapter is a bit longer than normal. Sorry🖤

I leaned forward looking outside the car window at the familiar frat house we parked outside. "I'm sorry Astrid I didn't realize.." Bella whispered in my ear. "It's fine" I whispered softly but my chest pounded with nerves as we exited the car.

This is my ex boyfriend's fraternity so there's a very high chance that he will be there too and I did not want to see Justin Brent.

We entered the house which was bustling with college students, the smell of cheap beer mixed with sweat filled the air. There was a wide open living room with an archway that lead to the kitchen.

"Look at those College girls" Dimitri cheered nodding towards a couch of Delta Pi College girls. All had the same blonde hair and porcelain skin, they had a reputation for being the bitchy fraternity. Dimitri waved at the girls who giggled at his attention "see you later" he told walking away from us and to the couch. I rolled my eyes at his interaction with the girls and looked to Leo interested in his reaction, but to no avail Leo's face remained expressionless. He was surveying the crowds. I noticed he did that, perhaps something I should also be doing as a child of a mafia leader.

"Bella do you wanna go get a drink" Blake asked. Bella looked hesitant facing me with guilty eyes, saying I want to go but won't leave you. "You can go. I'll be good" I smiled. She grabbed my arm and squeezed it as a thank you before following Blake to the kitchen leaving me and Leo standing in the corner of the living room.

I looked around the room, just noticing the attention on us. There was people whispering to each other and glancing in our direction. I forgot that Leo was famous and now indirectly I'm famous, more so after our engagement was announced. "You can leave as well" I informed leaving back against the pale yellow wall. He gave me a look saying I can't, which was true. If anything happened to me he would be in deep trouble, possibly mafia war. But I could look after myself.

After a few beats he asked "Aren't you gonna join in". He was referring to the dance floor outside in the garden which could be seen through the large windows.

"No parties aren't much my scene....anymore" I shrugged fiddling with the jewel of my engagement ring. He looked at my hands then back towards me and smiled "I would've never guessed". I knew he was referring to the night we met.

I had been replaying that night in my head quite often and perhaps I was bit dramatic but he shouldn't have teased me like that. I sighed loudly and pulled away from the wall to face him "Throwing the drink at you maybe was an overreaction on my part, but I'm not sorry. I took great satisfaction of your annoyance and anger. You did make unnecessary and rude commentary" I told my gaze lifting from my ring to his eyes. He nodded in acknowledgment, eyes still fixed on mine.

"That's it's" I growled annoyed that he wasn't going to attempt to make good as well. "I don't regret anything I said" he smirked. My chest heaved with anger "Your still such a jerk. I attempt to be polite but you can't" I seethed. He smiled at my annoyance, "Never mind I still hate you and me throwing my drink was not an overreaction, in fact it was truly deserved".

I quickly returned to my position of leaning against the wall facing the party my arms crossed over my chest. This is why I could never like him. He can't even fake being nice.

"Ash" a voice too familiar spoke softly I looked to my left pushing against the wall at the sight of Justin Brent. He looked at me with forest green eyes and the brightest smile. His sandy blonde messy hair has grown longer since I last saw him.

"Justin" I greeted coldly. I hadn't seen him in a year mostly because I tried to avoid him.

He looked at me then towards Leo who was now standing beside me facing Justin. "It's great to see you again" Justin smiled brightly his eyes trailing the length of my body. "Can't say the same for you" I replied bitterly.

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