Forever in the Mafia: IX

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Chapter 9: Nutella Chocolate Chunk
Contains mature content and upsetting themes.

I changed from my PJs into baggy blue jeans, a black lace corset top and a cream baggy white cardigan. Quickly grabbing my phone from the charger I walked downstairs and outside to meet Hunter at the car.

It was a bit strange to be going out with Hunter , as friends. We hardly knew each other but he had a calming presence and was always so kind to me. Leo trusts him enough to let him live in the house so I can trust him to go on a night adventure.

Hunter was waiting outside by his grey Mercedes, wearing blue jeans and a simple grey hoodie. His smile was lopsided as he watched me walk to him.

He opened the car door for me and I climbed inside. I went to turn on my phone but the screen flashed dead battery. I must've not plugged the phone in properly.

When Hunter climbed the drivers seat I explained "my phones dead could you text Leo I'm going to be out late".

"No problem you can text him" he passed his phone to me with the contact already on Leo. Hunter began to drive as I texted Leo, careful not to look at any of his previous texts with Leo. Hunter has been kind to me and I don't want to disrespect his privacy.

"I hope you like ice cream" Hunter said his focus on the road as he drove, I looked up from the phone "of course I do" I exclaimed putting his phone in the middle console.

As we drove Hunter and me conversed about university, Marvel (we watched some marvel movies with the rest of the housemates) and debated about the best ice cream flavour.

Soon enough we had arrived in the city, Hunter parked the car and we began to walk through Central Park.

The dimly lit club was filled with pathetic drunk people dancing, drinking and making out.

However I was focused on Astrid., more specifically Hunter seeing Astrid naked and our conversation about tattoos. I've told no one the reason of my tattoo but her.

I couldn't enjoy myself not even in a strip club, I only felt guilt, for the past 4 days I've been trying to ignore Astrid, sleeping over in hotels rather than at the house. Thinking if I ignore her long enough I won't feel the way I do for her. It wasn't until Astrid did I realize I had a heart, it clenched whenever she was around, whenever she looked at me with those round ocean eyes, whenever she spoke with her beautiful voice.

I promised myself I wouldn't get attached to another girl, I wouldn't be in a real relationship or even fall in love again. I would stay a closed off bachelor for the rest of my life, but it's different for Astrid all I want to do is protect her. Protect my Princess.

I decided I will stay at the house today, I needed to see her again, speak to her, touch her.

Astrid POV
We strolled through Central Park, no one around, it was extremely peaceful. "So Astrid, I don't know much about you" Hunter spoke walking beside me.

"what do you want to know" I asked my eyes fixed to the skyline ahead. The sun was starting to set. "I know your name is Astrid Luna Garcia but who is Astrid Luna Garcia? Tell me everything" he laughed.

I giggled lightly and told "Well there's not much to me, I major in economics, don't quite know what I want to do with my life but hoping to be entrepreneur of some type. My favorite color is Navy Blue, I'm in a family of 5 ,the only daughter so I was a bit spoiled growing up".

"What about you" I asked my gaze turning to him. He smiled down at his shoes as he spoke.

"Well growing up I wanted to be a fireman, however I'm a hacker and occasional sniper, my favorite color is orange and have 1 sister. Small family" he shrugged looking towards me. We had walked through the park and made it to a 24 hour ice cream shop.

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