Forever in the Mafia: XIII

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Chapter 13: father's choice
Contains Mature content and upsetting themes

I was driven by a bodyguard to the Garcia house for lunch.When I stepped inside the house looked empty, there was no noise and no people except for the 2 guards posted by the door.

I walked further into the dining room where everyone was waiting at the table, in silence "Hi" I greeted taking my seat at the table, smiling at Ramneet who sat besides me.

"You're late, you said 13:00 It's 13:10" my father complained.

"Apologies" I smiled forcefully to my father.

My mother beckoned the kitchen staff who immediately rushed out with sandwiches, potato salad, pasta salad, normal salad, fruit salad and a jug of lemonade and another jug of water.

As I dug into the assortment my brother asked "Have you healed yet". "Nearly another week and I'll be back to normal" I told spooning the pasta from the salad into my plate.

"Good the sooner your back in the field the better" my father spoke not looking up from his plate.

"Well the Autumn gala is approaching soon, do you and Leo have the appropriate outfits" mom asked pouring herself a glass of water. I looked to her confused "Only mafia leaders attend".

"For goodness sake Astrid! You and Leo will be attending this year on behalf of us. Since we will be in Italy" she explained.

I nodded trying to fight the urge to roll my eyes. I hated these galas, they went on for hours and it was only old men talking business with their wives following them around all evening.

"Just bring Leo with you and their will be paparazzi and allies there so put on a good show. You haven't been seen in public for nearly 2 weeks" my father complained.

Now that I have been around Adrian more, I've come to compare his and my father's parenting styles. My father was always demanding and gruff whereas Adrian was much more warm-hearted, he would've explained the situation in a more lighter tone, one that implied I had a choice.

As the silence lingered everyone ate.

When we finished our lunch and waited for coffee to be served my father announced "Astrid next Friday you will direct a task, I've sent the file for you to study the initiatives"

This was a big deal, Alex only started directing tasks a couple of months ago and I was way younger and inexperienced.

I looked to Alex his face wore an expression of shock, indicating he didn't know either. It was clear what my father's initiatives were he was trying to make me and Alex seem like a more even choice for leader. I was polling behind especially after moving in with Leo, so this was a chance to prove myself.


I was in the car once again being drove back to the house. Once we had coffee my father quickly departed and i couldn't stay back with my mom complaining about how I've gained weight since being shot.

I slumped against the car window thinking about the gala. This would be our first public event as a couple, except for that very mild appearance outside Ascent bar and lounge.

Me and Leo's relationship has changed since the night we talked out his mom and Gabriel. I woke up after that night to an empty bed, only the faint smell of his cologne proof that he was there.

We both realized that night had severely ruined our status as enemies. But both too scared to truly admit our feelings.

Leo returned to seeing me as little as possible but when he did he wasn't cold. He even smiled more.

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