big bro would be proud

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---CHAPTER 9---

"We should probably just get washed we need to get breakfast, we still haven't eaten" Mine looks at him knowing something is wrong but doesn't want to press him too much but her worrying took over. "Tatsumi what's wrong? You seemed fine before but when I offered to pleasure  you, you seemed frightened" she says this was a small frown and distress in her eyes. Tatsumi struggles to make eye contact with her making her even more scared that something is wrong. He steps towards her with his eyes towards his feet and he hugs her, tears in his eyes he squeezes her tight "I'm sorry Mine but I can't, I know it's pathetic but I'm too insecure to let you do anything like that, but I can still please you I know I'm not very good but I'll try my best" his words were clear but it took a lot of energy to get them out while crying as intensely as he is.

'Hmm so he could can take on any opponent and come out the winner but he's still insecure about his body? He's so cute I'd love him no matter what size it is. And what is he even on about he was absolutely amazing at it. Guess I'll just have to help him with his inferiority complex.' Mine let's Tatsumi keep hugging her but they're both still in only underwear  and in the shower so she slides her hands about his drenched body feeling his abs and chest. "You're alot bigger than when you first come to us, I know bro is proud of you Tatsumi I'm sure he's still watching over you with a smile on his face, I'm proud of you too y'know you've came so far and you've pushed yourself past your limits so many times to help everyone no matter how much it hurt you, you truly are amazing and I love you so much. I know it's not something that goes away over night but there's nothing for you to be insecure about with me because I love you for all your imperfections and I know that you love all of my imperfections too".

Tatsumis eyes light up "big... bro... I hope you are proud of me I miss you so much. Thanks Mine you really are the best and you're right there isn't anything I should be insecure about with you so I'll try harder to be confident, but you make me sound a lot better than I am if it wasn't for you, bro and everything I'd of been dead a long time ago. I love you so much and I'll make I become even better for you, I'll become good enough to be your husband. Although I just noticed that your a bit of a softie now before you would've just smacked me". Mine turns a shade of satin red at the word husband as she's been thinking about marriage and kids since Akame visited but that embarrassed instantly turns into anger as she realises she got called a softie. She cocks her arm back and opens her palm and swings it at Tatsumi who closes his eyes and braces for the smack, but a moment passes and he opens his eyes to feel Mines hand caressing him instead of smacking him. She pulls his head down putting one hand around his waist and kissed him. Tatsumi reciprocats but is confused as she looked genuinely angry and that's when he feels it. A sneak attack. Mine used the kiss to distract him before she struck, her hand clatters into Tatsumis ass making him shout out in pain much to Mines amusement.

They both just laugh and get out of the shower to get dried and dressed. Once they're finished they both make their way to the kitchen, Tatsumi goes to reach for the apron before Mine sneaks past him and swipes it. "You said you want to become good enough to become my husband so I'll start being good enough to be your wife which means I make you food  from now on okay" she winks at him but he's too busy examining how cute she looks in the apron and how she said wife. He knows they've only been dating for a few days but still they've already done so much couple like things and they've acted like a married couple since the war was close to reaching the final fight. "Hey Mine have you ever wondered what it would be like to fly over the capital at night?" Mine thinks back to when she first arrived at night raid and indeed she did wonder, she's been flying before but never over the capital. She nods "well how about we do it when it gets dark?" She looks puzzled at his question, "have you got a flying danger beast?" He shakes his head laughing making her even more confused. "How are we going to do it then?" "It's a surprise" Tatsumi smirks as he knows she will be extremely surprised with what's on store.

The young couple start walking around the capital after lunch until Mine remembers something Tatsumi said before, "hey Tatsumi you said something before that I almost forgot but didn't you say you built our home yourself?" Tatsumi looks up at the sky remember how long and how hard he worked to make it before he looked back at her with a serious look on his face. "I remember once me and bro were sitting looking out at the forest near the old base and he told me one day he wished to build a home up on the mountains and pointed to the exact spot and that made me think about my future, then when he passed away I started learning construction in secret sometimes missing sleep to plan out the designs for the home and then when the war ended I disappeared. That's when I spend a few months building everyday crying wishing bro could of been seen it." Tatsumi wipes tears away from his eyes as he finishes the story when he seen his girlfriend looking up at him with sparkles and tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. He grabs him into a tight hug in the middle of the street, he hugs her back and starts to play with her hair thinking about how proud his big bro would be of him.

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