Stay the Night?

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---Chapter 2---

"So, this is the last day you'll be stuck in the hospital, what do you plan on doing once you're out?" Tatsumi says this with an innocent tone to hide that the fact that he's scared. He's scared that he won't get to see Mine everyday anymore and that she'll leave him all alone, he has enjoyed spending everyday with her since she woke up from her coma and Mine clearly feels the same since she always has a beaming smile on her face. She claims it's because she "finds his stupidity amusing" but she knows it's because she loves him and his company. "Yep yep I finally get to go out there and bless everyone with my presence" Tatsumi just giggles at her much to Mines disapproval.

"Okay so since you have been here everyday for me I will reward you, you may take me on a date but only this once" she says this way a confident expression and a smug smile, and Tatsumi responds a stuttering shaky mess "w-wait a d-date? With you? But you're a bully" *THUMP* that's the noise it made when Mine punched the top of Tatsumis head as if he were a mole in an arcade game. "Dummy please go on a date with me" right after the words came out of Mines mouth she hid under her blanket blushing immensely and shaking in the legs, Tatsumi was shocked that she was so honest even if she let it slip by accident. "Fine I guess I'll do it since you're begging me".

"Hey, Tatsumi? I know this is sudden but, could you stay overnight with me in the hospital? I'm scared". Hesitantly Tatsumi replies with a choppy "In the s-same room as you?" Mine blushes and looks down innocently "obviously dummy. I'd feel safe, BUT DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT TOUCHING ME YOU PERVERT". Tatsumi just looks at her with a look of murderous intent wishing she hadn't just shouted pervert while their alone in her hospital room.

Night comes and Tatsumi leaves the room so Mine can change into night wear. He hears her voice saying that he can come back in but when he looks at her he instantly blushes with thoughts flying around his head "you're so cute" he whispers to himself but his red cheeks got even brighter when Mine says "Hey Tatsumi, I c-can't get the top button, can you help me p-please?" Tatsumi puts on a brave face but with shaky hands he reaches for the top button but he stops and looks at Mine who's just staring at him with rosy cheeks they both slowly move their faces toward eachother with Tatsumis tilted to the left with his hands still grasping the top of Mines pyjama shirt. "Okay you 2 the lights will be going out in 10 minutes" they both completely froze for a second before realising what was happening, they both turned away from eachother while Tatsumi finished buttoning her shirt. He starts to move his chair into the corner of the room so Mine didn't think he was trying to watch her sleep since she likes to throw about the word "pervert" but as he lifted the chair he hears Mine say "where are you going? I don't mind you staying near me I know you won't do anything" this caught Tatsumi off guard but he sits his chair back down while Mine closes her eyes and starts to fall asleep, so he does the same. After roughly 5 minutes past they both seemed asleep but Mine opens her eyes and watches Tatsumi and smiling for a while before she decides she'll actually try and sleep. Another 3ish minutes and Tatsumi does the same thing but he notices her hair was infront of her eyes so he nervously parts it to the side and moves down to the bottom of the bed to fix her blanket before he goes back to his chair to sleep. Before he nods off he feels something warm in his hand he looks down with half open eyes and sees Mines hand on his but he didn't want to move it and that's when he heard her saying his name in her sleep which made him happier than words could describe.

Morning rolls around, the day Mine gets to experience the outside world full of freedom and peace for the first time since she has been stuck in hospital. Mine has always been a late sleeper so Tatsumi wakes up first but he feels weird and oddly warm, what he sees puts him into a state of panic, Mine is half on half off the bed with her top half resting on his lap. Unsure what to do he just closes his eyes and falls back to sleep.

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