All in a days work

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---CHAPTER 6---

After the trio finished lunch Akame suddenly stands up and seems anxious "I have news and I'm too embarrassed to say it casually so I'm just going to say it out right. I'M PREGNANT". Tatsumi and Mine both looked at eachother and then back at Akame "Congratulations but who's the dad?" This was said in unison by the couple, both of them expecting an answer came to a quick conclusion by looking at Akames expression. "I was drugged and raped and I don't know who by" she instantly broke down into tears and fell to the floor. Tatsumi and Mine both come towards her to comfort her but Mine and Akame are shocked at what came out of Tatsumis mouth next.

"You had intercourse before you came here Akame either you're lying about something or you've been raped again" Akame has an expression of guilt while Mine has eyes full of fire ready to burn Tatsumi to ash if he doesn't explain himself. "Well I've used Incursio so much I've started to get increased senses like a dragon and sadly I can smell the odour coming from Akame and it's definitely testosterone. Mines fire dies down but is still alive with small brittle embers, "Akame?" Mine says this but she's still staring at Tatsumi ready to go for his throat.

"Okay here's the full story, I was sent on a mission as a favour to najinda for allowing Kurome and Wave to be pardoned, but the mission involved assassinating a paedophile with an imperial arms. I saw him in his bed with 3 young women presumably under aged so I jumped through his window but before I knew it everything stopped and he was inside of my head, he explained to me his imperial arms can force emotions just by looking at someone, he said he planned on making girls feel lust for him and then depression when he was done so they'd kill themselves, I told him to let go of the other girls and fight me but his idea of a fight involved no clothes and me not having control over my body. And then I found out I was pregnant so I went to try and assassinate him again but he had slipped in a magic drug that acts as a tracker into a drink he gave me while in control of my emotions. So today when I went to take him out he expected and did the same to me today but i managed to find out his imperial arms only works on women so i was hoping Tatsumi could help me out".

"Mine are you okay with me doing this?" Mine looks at him confused "why are you asking me?" Tatsumi kisses her forehead "you're my girlfriend so I want you to be okay with all my actions so you can always trust me" Mine smiles and jokingly salutes to him, clearly indicating she is fine with him helping Akame.

"That's him there, he doesn't seem very strong and he definitely isn't very fast you should be able to take him done in 1 hit" Tatsumi activates Incursio and instead of jumping through the window he summons incursions spear which he lines up and throws directly through the throat of the paedophile, decaputating him in the process. "That was fun but I haven't killed anyone in a long time so it feels kinda nostalgic" Tatsumi says this with his iconic smile "all in the days work of an assassin I guess" Akame just looks at him in shock as she's never seen Tatsumi throw his spear before especially with perfect accuracy almost effortlessly. Noticing that Akame was clearly surprised he just winks and starts roof hopping on his way back to bungalow on the mountain where Mine is waiting for the 2 to return.

Tatsumi opens the door and sees Mine cleaning while singing to herself "she's going to be a great wife" Akame jumps with excitement which is out of character for her when she hears what Tatsumi said. He turns his head as he walks in and sees her acting childish "oh no please tell me I didn't do what I think I did. I said it out loud didn't i" he clearly didn't want Mine to notice so she would question them so he hides Akame who is in her own little world until she stops. "Okay don't mention what I said to Mine please and don't act suspicious either" Akame nods still slightly smiling as they fully enter the front entrance when Mine notices they're back.

"Hey you two that was quick I take Tatsumi got him then?" Tatsumi stands up straight and puts both hands on his hips and looks up and to the right posing like a superhero. This causes an outburst of laughter from the 2 girls much to his dismay so Mine walks up to him and puts her hands around his neck and kisses him for a few seconds before whispering in his ear "you're my superhero" Tatsumi then goes to kiss her back before they're interrupted by an awkward Akame coughing and looking away. "Sorry for that haha, I know this is weird and random but can I put my ear to your stomach please Akame?" The two girls looked confused but Akame nods.

"As I thought, even with my dragon senses I can only hear 1 heartbeat Akame you're not pregnant" Akame starts to tear up but not from disappointment she was happy she wasn't carrying that abomination of a mans baby. Akame runs out the door "Thanks Tatsumi I'm going to tell Kurome the good news" she shouts this while running away.

"So Tatsumi what do you think about kids?"

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