Next time i won't hold back

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---CHAPTER 6---

"I don't think I'm ready for kids, I'm still too young and immature, and I'm a total virgin so I'd want to be able to enjoy myself a bit more before I decide to start thinking about kids" Mine just starts laughing while trying to holding it back by placing her hand over her mouth but she just couldn't hold it back. "you're a total virgin hahahaha" Tatsumi looks down, visibly distressed and upset and decides to go to the bedroom shutting the door behind him leaving Mine just standing in the living room.

'I can't believe she's already done that with someone I thought I would be her special first time which means I'm not her first kiss either, I don't even know if I'm the first person she's loved. Why do I feel so jealous I'm being pathetic. I just have to show her that I'm better than whoever she loved before me. But what if she still loves him and I'm just here so she has someone to play with while she finds out where he is? Ugh I hate this so much I wish I could die!' Tatsumi cries while those thoughts flow through his head. He stands up and walks over to his nightstand picking up a dagger he got as a present from a family he helped from a danger beast and he started to press it against his forearm until he drew blood before making 3 swift cuts, one across the back of his forearm another on the bottom of his bicep and another across the side of his shoulder. Each wound bled tremendously due to Tatsumis precision cutting, he gets undressed and heads into the shower to wash the large amount of blood. Due to the loud noise of the water hitting his back and the floor and his own quiet shouts caused by the pain from the fresh cuts he did not hear Mine come in she looks into the shower to check on him but she sees the floor is red clearly from blood coming from Tatsumi. She observes the bedroom until her eyes meet the dagger on the bed with blood on it, knowing what Tatsumi did thanks to her being immature she felt a huge amount of guilt overcome her and she starts to sob too. She sits on the bed and holds the dagger and sits it on her lap as she cries over it.

Time passes as both of them are still crying and Tatsumi comes out of the shower seeing Mine on the bed crying with the dagger on her lap, once she hears the water stop and Tatsumi walks out of the shower with just a towel draped around his waist she runs towards him and tackles him to the floor. She sits on top of him and holds him down even tho he's not trying to get up, she looks at both his arms and sees the ones with the cuts on it. She starts crying even harder and puts her head on Tatsumis chest, he has no idea why she's upset it's his own fault for not being good enough for her and he feels as though he deserved to have pain inflicted on himself for how pathetic he is. "I'm sorry, I'm not good enough for you and I'm sure you'd much rather be with the first person you were with who shared your kiss and took your virginity I'm sure he's a good man. You can keep the house while you search for him you don't need to pay rent I built the house so it's free. Have fun and I hope you find him" Tatsumi removes Mine from sitting on him and he grabs a pair of clothes and gets changed in a cupboard in the living room as he doesn't want her to see him fully naked.

"Tatsumi you big dummy I'm the one that's sorry, this is all a misunderstanding there isn't anyone else and there never has been. I'm a virgin too I just thought it was funny the way you said it, you're my first everything. I wanted you to have my first kiss, you're the first person I've loved and you're my first boyfriend and I want you to keep being my first, Tatsumi you are my one and only and you always will be so please don't leave me. I need you I couldn't live without you, my heart belongs to you even if you don't want it anymore. I love you so much so please stay and never hurt yourself again I'm even more sorry that I made you feel that terrible you even drew blood because of how I treated you. I don't deserve to be anywhere near you and I'll understand if you hate me."

Tatsumi opens his mouth while mustering up the only smile he can even tho it's faint but before any words can leave his mouth he falls to his knees and then falls over completely causing him to pass out. Mine panicks and runs to his still body worrying about her boyfriend due to his sudden collapsing. She picks him up and carries him to his bed despite him being much heavier than when she first met him due to his new muscular physique. She starts to undress him leaving only his boxers and she realises that he has lost way too much blood from his cuts. She scurries around all of the cupboards until she finds bandages which she uses to wrap up his entire arm and shoulder making sure it's tight enough to restrict blood loss without being too uncomfortable. She also gets in her underwear and lays ontop of him covering them with the blanket hoping the heat from her body and the blanket warms him up until he feels well enough to open his eyes.

Mine falls asleep ontop of his chest occasionally saying his name while she sleeps. Some times passes until she feels him move so she wakes up and looks up at his face to see his eyes twitching but she is scared as she spots blood starting to drip from the corner of his mouth. "Hey Tat-" she is cut of by Tatsumi throwing his head to the side as he coughs up blood and opens his eyes gasping for air. "I was so scared you were going to leave me don't ever do that again" Tatsumi pets her head and strokes her hair which soothes her down but his heart rate rapidly increases which Mine notices as she can hear it "Tatsumi? What's wrong?" Tatsumis face goes bright red "whe-where are y-your cloth-es?" Mine suddenly remembers that she's only in her underwear but gets an evil idea to get back at Tatsumi for fainting.

Mine slides up and starts to kiss Tatsumi passiontaly with a look of lust in her eyes and a devilish grin on her face as she makes out with him. Tatsumi just goes with it to save him the embarrassment as he realizes he's also in just underwear. For the first time Tatsumi starts to slip his tounge into her mouth which she reciprocated as they slowly rub tounges trying to get used to the new sensations, Mine is surprised that he actually made the first move for once but he made her plan that much easier. She bites his bottom lip and starts to circles around his tounge as she sensually runs her hand across Tatsumis chest, shoulders and abdomen. Tatsumi catches on to what she's doing so he plays the game too by picking her up and placing her back on the bed but this time he is ontop of her and he bites her lip this time and then he sucks her tounge lightly almost making her moan but she holds it back so he takes a new plan of attack. He puts one hand on the side of her neck and one on her ribcage just underneath one of her breasts and he lightly kisses her neck and then he kisses her collarbone which makes her finally give in. She let's out a light moan "Fine you win but I'll beat you next time babe" Tatsumi still excited and also in a confident mood from his win decides to whisper in her ear in a low and seductive tone "next time I won't hold back". Mines whole body twitches and she gets major butterflies in her stomach, "Well I'll go make us some dinner since we haven't eaten for a while" Tatsumi gets up still just in boxers and head towards the kitchen. He puts on the apron and washes his hands and prepares the ingredients to make tempura when Mine walks in with one his t-shirts on and her hands on her hip and a frown on her face "how can I ever become your wife if you're the one doing all the cooking, although I would like to kiss the chef" she gives him a wink. "You nursed me back to health so I'm cooking no complaining" Tatsumi purposely avoids any more wife talk but he can't help but think about how amazing she would be as a wife and he knows it will be a reality someday"

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