I'll sleep on the floor tonight

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---CHAPTER 4---

After their romantic date under the cherry blossoms, the young lovebirds came to a dilemma. Mine had been in a coma since before the war ended and has no money or no place to go home to. "Hey Tatsumi can I stay at your place tonight?" Tatsumi instantly gets flustered and turns into a stuttering mess "e-ehm it's a b-bit early for that k-kind if t-thing." Realizing what she said Mine face boils like a kettle until there is steam escaping her eyes she starts beat on Tatsumis chest chanting "dummy dummy dummy" her physical assault turns into an embrace by squeezing Tatsumi. "I'm sorry my mind instantly went somewhere inappropriate of course you can stay at my house Mine but it's kinda far away". "Don't get the wrong idea again but I'd feel a lot safer if we slept in the same room if that's okay with you" Tatsumi  ponders on this but comes to the decision that it's fine he can just sleep on the floor.

"So where exactly is your house Tatsumi?" "Close your eyes" Tatsumi replies with a suspicious look on his face but Mine complies, as Mine closer her eyes Tatsumi wraps a make-shift blindfold (the blanket from the picnic) over her face. "Don't do anything weird" Mine stands still worried about what's going on as Tatsumi doesn't reply and suddenly goes silent.

Mine starts to call Tatsumis name getting louder each time until she suddenly screams as her feet leave the floor, "did I scare you" he said this with a serious tone but he was trying his absolute best not to burst into laughter as he already knew the answer to his question. While waiting for a response Tatsumi takes off running making Mine tense up and tighten her grip on Tatsumi and she rests her head against his chest as she only just realised he's running while carrying her in a bridal carry in public. "Tatsumi are we almost there?" She hears him say something under his breath "imperial arms...Incursio" Mine feels armoured plating form around him but she starts to blush as she can still feel his warmth.

Before long Mine hears the sound of what she could only assume was a door being kicked open and the Incursio armour retracting, assuming that they've arrived she asks for permission to remove the blindfold but Tatsumi swiftly denies her permission and starts walking again until she gets placed down on a soft surface... a mattress? As she reaches to remove the blindfold her new boyfriend places both of his hands on the sides of her soft delicate face as he leans in and whispers in her ear "you're precious to me, I love you" and lightly brushes lips with her. He then removes her blindfold for her.

They started into eachothers eyes and see their partners sparkle, Mine wraps her arms around the back of Tatsumis neck and brings her head up to his ear "I'm so lucky I have you, I love you too".

"Now we're even by the way" Mine looks confused trying to think of what he could be referring to until she remembers that she kissed him in the hospital when she wasn't expecting it so this was his turn to make them equal. She caresses his face with her small, soft and fragile hands and whispers in his ear. Tatsumi suddenly bursts up cherry-faced while Mine giggles at his reaction calling him cute. Without hesitation Tatsumi sprints and closes the door that he kicked open for the sake of romance. As Tatsumi came back into the room Mine was up making them both cups of tea and she still hadn't noticed that she was being sneak attacked. In an instant she on the floor screaming. "TATSUMI STOP TICKLING MEEEEEEEEEE" , he did indeed stop and helped her back up while bending his knee and kissing her hand "ma'lady" Mine plays along and put her hand under his chin and tilts his head up to face her "my prince".

The couple started laughing and continued to pour the tea, they sat back down and took small sips while trying to think of something to say, after a few minutes Tatsumi comes to a realization "Mine... you didn't happen to buy any night wear did you?".

Dumbfounded, Mine looks at him as she realizes she has nothing to sleep in so Tatsumi stands up and throws a clean shirt at her "this should do" she says while blushing looking at the shirt. "The shower is in the next room I can run you a bath if you'd like?" Mine nods but looks sad "what's wrong?" Tatsumi responds with a concerned look. "Well that means you'll be cold out here while I'm a warm bath I feel bad" , he picks her up over his shoulder and goes into the bathroom, he turns on the tap to run the bath and walks out the room. 'Who knew he was such a gentleman' she thought to herself still facing the door.

After she emerged from out of the bathroom Tatsumi asked if everything was okay but as he turned to look at her he got a nosebleed and passed out, worried Mine rushes to him and rests his head on her lap and says his name giving him a little shake to wake him up. After a few minutes he opens his eyes "wow I swear I collapsed by my head feels so comfy" as he said this he took a pause and looked up to see a cute girl with pink hair wearing his t-shirt wich was way too big for her, Tatasumi almost collapses on Mines lap again but when asked what's wrong he just let out 2 soft words "so adorable". Mine gets flustered and kisses his forehead, "Tatasumi you smell go for a shower but make it quick" , as any smart male would do he followed his ladys orders and went for a shower but he walked out with just a towel strapped around him with soaked hair and water still dripping and sparkling on his body "hey Mine I forgot to bring any clothes in with m-" before he finishes he realised Mine is staring at him with her jaw on the floor "when did you get so... ripped?" . She walked over to him as if she were in a trance as she let her hand roam his abdomen and upper body with one hand on his shoulders, Tatsumi invented a new shade of red with his intense blushing but managed to regain enough composure to tell her the story.

"Well it started the day the war ended I came to make sure you were alright but you were still comatosed and I got angry as I wasn't sure what to do without you and that angered turned into depression and I started to... hurt myself. But eventually akame came by to see you while I was visiting and noticed my arm so she told me to make myself stronger instead of bringing myself down so I can protect you no matter how dangerous the threat".

Without second thought Mine grabs his arms and sees the scars and starts to cry uncontrollably, clearly blaming herself for what he went through. Tatsumi tucks her into his bed "don't worry I like the scars they remind me of how much I want to protect you, now try and get some rest" this stopped Mine from crying "But where are you going to sleep?" He just smiles at her and says "I'll take the floor for tonight"

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