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Today's club activities generally ended up well, and customers left Music Room 3 with smiles on their faces. You are lucky that Haruhi doesn't mind you hanging around even longer. So to compensate, you think it'd be nice to help clean things up for the club. You could snoop around while you do so, you think.

Anyway, it turns out Ootori's resort subsidiary is the one behind the intricate tropical settings for today's club theme. It interests you that with one button of his remote, the artificial sky that was there the entire afternoon is now gone. And the tropical climate that makes your uniform a tad stuffy has slowly cooled down to the actual early spring temperature.

"For a commoner, you seem to keep your composure well," Kyoya notes as you look over to see him tampering at his remote.

Your eyes slowly meet his and noticing the proximity between you two, you slowly back away to your original sitting position.

Also, what does he mean with "for a commoner"?

'My bad..,' was the thing that you wanted to reply to him with. But after a long day of keeping up the facade of a composed commoner—something you initially thought you could get used to—you are actually fed up and tired from pretending.

"Rather than it being me, maybe you don't know commoners that well," you find yourself retorting back at him.

You and your chatty mouth, you swear to all the gods above.

You half regret saying it, but it's too late to take back the things you say. Out of embarrassment and wanting to save your arse, you look at everywhere else but at his direction.

Oh, you can definitely feel him staring at you. For some reasons, you wish that he would chalk it as the commoner losing some of her screws on her head.

Tamaki slurping his noodles, luckily, takes everyone's attention away.

"I can't take this anymore," he says and angrily places his wooden chopsticks on the table.

"Hey, boss! Why don't you stop eating that commoner's ramen and come over here to help us with the party planning?" one of the twin remarks. You guess it is Hikaru.

Speaking of that though, commoner ramen is good and cheap. Gosh, these people are definitely something else. It's so difficult to relate with them that your brain hurts.

"Does it really bother you that Princess Kasugazaki has taken a liking to Haruhi?" the other twin adds.

"He shouldn't be surprised. She has had the illness for a while now, hasn't she?" Kyoya points out as he starts typing on his laptop. You stealthily peek at his screen since you are sitting next to him. Meh, just some book-keeping. You'd like to see if he's pulling some tricks with his accounting, but you'd save that excitement for the time after you steal his data. You'll really have to start thinking on how to do that now.

Back to the topic at hand, that one patron the members are gossiping about, who was making a scene on Haruhi's table earlier, has actually caught your interest too.

"What illness?" Haruhi asks.

"She's got the Host-hopping Disease-"

"-a.k.a. 'never-the-same-boy-twice' disease," the twins answer, suddenly standing behind your seat.

"Usually, our customers choose a favourite host and then see them regularly. However, Princess Kanako tends to change her favourites on a regular basis," Kyoya follows up.

"That's right. 'Cause before she chose you, she was with Tama-chan," Honey pipes in.

"Oh. So, he's upset because I took her from him?" You clear your throat, trying to hold yourself from bursting into laughter at that.

Guns and Roses [Various!OHSHC x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now