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"I have to excuse myself. Thank you for always having me here," you stand up from your seat, gently removing your hand from Honey's hold. You can't be like this. You shouldn't get all warm and fluffy with your suspects. These people manipulate people they can take advantage of. Get a grip! You are a. fricken. secret. agent!

"The pleasure is all ours. You are always welcomed here," Haruhi remarks, giving you her signature smile.

"By the way, are you coming to the party next week?" Honey quickly asks with his round eyes seemingly peering at your soul. Oh wow, now you kind of get why the ladies would swoon over those cute puppy eyes.

"Erm... I would definitely love to. But I have to check my schedule. No promises though," you politely opt for a safe answer. Fortunately, Mori comes just in time to remove Honey from you, allowing you to bid farewell for one last time properly.

"I definitely had fun today. Thanks for inviting me, Haruhi! See you tomorrow at class!"

Haruhi sends you her farewell too. At that, you leave the premise and quickly close the heavy doors behind you.

Unconsciously, you let out a heavy sigh. These two days felt so long. You are really grateful that you actually managed to gather so much information in such a short time. Even Mr Goldberg was very satisfied with how you have progressed really fast with your recon mission.

"Haruhi, it's time you started dressing like a girl," you can vaguely hear Tamaki's shouting behind the doors. You would love to listen in, but you think you have gathered enough intel to call it a day. It's not like you'd be missing out a lot if you don't witness the group's rom-com antics.

Ah, and the thing about the party? That was a lie.

There's no way you would bother going to a pretentious fancy fanservice party. If it ever means something for the investigation, you can just ask somebody from the squad that Mr Goldberg has assigned to assist you to help bug the party.


That's what you told yourself a week ago, but look where you are right now.

Screw that thief. It was a fun distraction and all in the beginning since investigating the host club is really complicated and mentally-draining. But it's truly nerve-wracking having to undergo an operation secretly without the authority knowing. And realising that your recon mission one day may unfold like this one did, was such a reminder on how blurry this task is. You really don't know who your allies and foes are.

Clad in the plain dress that was merely hanging on your wardrobe doors a moment ago, you now find yourself hiding in the hallways of the academy. Outside, you can see the festivity of the party lights. The noise of the commotion does not escape your ears as well. It sounds beautiful though, because you know that you took part in causing all of it.

Now how are you going to sneak out of this place as normally as possible?

You could just go for the exit. But with the police locking the place down, it might be a difficult feat for you now. Funny, it has not been that long since your little act, but it seems that you have earned yourself a nickname.

The Black Rabbit in the Yellow Jacket. Good gracious. This academy and its people's tendencies to romanticise everything has really caught you off guard. You mentally cringe upon recalling the name that people have been throwing around as they wait for their turns to be questioned by the policemen.

Anyway, you shouldn't be hiding in the hallways like this for too long, or you'll just invite suspicion towards your way. It will be difficult to move in this outfit, but you suppose you would manage.

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