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The following day, you wake up feeling a lot more like yourself as if the days and the events preceding them never happened. And as if the stars were gradually aligning in your way, you also received an international mail of a welfare package filled with your favourite snacks that you have missed eating. You also found a small written note inside with handwriting you immediately recognised to be that of your good colleague, Norman.

How have you been doing? I hope you're doing all right. Feel free to reach out if you're stuck with anything. Here, have some sugar and junk calories!

P.S. Make sure to check the one with the prize inside.

Speaking of, you have not been in touch with the man in a while. You make a mental note of contacting him one of these days as you peruse the various selection of goodies that he packed for you, looking for a particular one.

Good crackers!™ Crack open to find a hidden totally-not-suspicious prize inside!

Yeah, right.

Without further ado, you unlock the hidden compartment in your wardrobe to hide yourself inside as you rip open the packaging of the not-so-obscure snack.

True to its name, you find very legitimate crackers inside, with the exception of a small black rectangular item. You dust the cracker's crumbs off it and find yourself with a normal-looking flash drive. You notice the roll of paper taped over its body which you assume are the instructions. Unfolding it, you read:

You know those spy scenes in movies where they hack a computer with a flash drive? It's honestly unrealistic but we manage to do that. Yes, Norman told us that we should try to make it happen in the same cliche way. Yes, we're going to ask him to vouch for our pay raise. Otherwise, we're going to YOU for it. -somebody from I.T. who is not paid enough

Yikes, do remind yourself to be careful and not to aggravate people from the I.T. department.

How to use it:

1. Just plug it into the target device.

2. That's it.

3. Revere me for my greatness.

We heard you loud and clear, Mr. I.T. guy.

It does seem straightforward but you honestly always find snooping into targets' belongings to be nerve-wracking. You're not only on a time limit but you should not leave any trace behind. As such, you have to make sure that you have an ample amount of alone time with Kyoya's laptop for whatever program housed in this flash drive completes its thing.

And you can't help but thank all the gods in heaven that the device arrives at such an impeccable timing.

Today is Ouran Academy's Physical Examination Day.

Unfortunately though, you're not in on the Club's planning session after you ran away out of embarrassment the other day. But whatever that is, Kyoya would definitely be away from his laptop when he's doing his check-up, right?


Feeling very pumped up from potentially making a potential progress with this mission, you draw a blueprint of things you're going to accomplish today.

First thing first is to confirm what Kyoya's plan for the Physical Examination Day.

Your eyes begin to wander to a certain scroll sitting in one corner of the hidden compartment of your wardrobe, and you wonder if you should start pulling all the stops for this operation.


"We will begin conducting physical examinations shortly. All students, please proceed to the clinic in your respective school building."

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