"I'm taking Alannah trick or treating then chilling with Nicole and David. What about you?" I ask and he laughs.

"I work on Halloween." He says and I groan.

"Unlucky." I say and he laughs.

"Tomorrow night I'll pick you up at 7 and----" He gets cut of by the sound of cries that I could hear.

I end the call right there and then and run into Alannah's room.

The sight was shocking. I never thought I would ever see what I just walked in on.

"All this is your fault." Mom says and punches Alannah.

I run over and push my mom out of the way and onto the floor. I pull Alannah into my chest as she sobs.

"You sick twisted bitch she's three and none of this is her fault!" I shout as my mom stands back up.

"Its all her fault everything!" She says and I push her out of Alannah's room.

I pack up the majority of Alannah's things into a suitcase and mine in another.

This was the one thing I didn't want to be true. Where would I go? What would I do now?

Alannah was sat on her bed sobbing and I sighed. I take her into my room so I can pack my things into yet another suitcase.

I take the suitcases on to the porch and then pick Alannah up and take her to my car. I strap her in when a car pulls up. I didn't take much notice of it till Jax climbed out.

"Lara what's going on?" Jax shouts and I roll my eyes. Not now, not right now.

I put the suitcases in my trunk and Jax stops me as I slam the trunk shut.

"Lara." He says firmly and I sigh.

"Where are you going?" He asks and I sigh.

"Jax I can't do this right now." I tell him walking back over to the porch.

"Gio watch her!" Jax shouts from behind me.

I grab a few more of Alannah's toys and stuffed animals and put them in a bag. I grab her beaker and my phone charger before heading out of the door.

"Lara!" Jax shouts putting his hand on my shoulders.

"Just go away Jax I don't want to talk to you." I say pushing him off me. I go back over to the trunk and put the bag in there.

"I'll go back to the car now." Gio says and I thank him for watching Alannah.

"Lara tell me what's going on." Jax demands and I roll my eyes.

"I don't want to tell you Jax just go away." I say pushing his shoulders.

Why won't he get it?

"Lara." He says firmly and I push him again.

"We can't do this okay. I need to be committed to Alannah all the time and if I was to like someone they would have to be committed to Alannah  too. So no Jax I don't want to talk or anything with you anymore." I tell him. He looks between both my eyes trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

"Lara what happened?" He asks and I just shake my head.

"You rang me and I left the room to take your call." I say crying.

"What happened after?" He asks wiping my tears.

"Just stop Jax. I don't want you to wipe my tears or to kiss me or anything anymore." I say trying to push him away but he pins my shoulders to the car.

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