The thoughts haunt me all the way into the car, down the highway and out to carp where I stop in at Alice's for a coffee.


I cringe internally, and possible externally as I turn to see Shelly in line behind me.

"Shelly." I grab my latte and Will's coffee and head towards the sugar.

The old floorboards creak beneath my feet and the live edged wood shelf is rough on my hands as I lean against it taking a deep breath.

"So weird running into you again." She says with a friendly smile.

"Small town, Ottawa." I grab the sugar and generously pour some in Will's cup.

"Heading up to Will's?" She asks.

I startle and glance up.

"How did you?"

"The sugar." She laughs, "I don't know anyone else that takes it black with five sugars."

I smile. "He always says he needs the extra sweetness cause he wasn't born with any."

"I think we both know, nothing could be further from the truth." She smiles warmly as she pours her milk into her cup and replaces the lid. "Anyways, I've got to run. Hopefully, I'll see you next weekend."

"Sorry?" I ask confused. I replace the lids on both our cups and follow her out the rustic red door.

"To build the shed," She says. "Will mentioned he was going to get your help. Sorry if I jumped the gun."

"Oh, no worries," For you. I think to myself. Will, on the other hand, has plenty to worry about.

"I'll see you again soon then," she smiles and waves as she climbs into her sleek Mercedes. One of the few outward signs of her wealth.

I think over the conversation as I drive up into the hills and park next to Will's truck. He walks down the small footpath between the trees to meet me.

I hand him his coffee in silence as he grumbles a brief hey, and makes his way back up the path.

"So I'm building a house all week and then building a shed this weekend?" I ask as Will takes his first sip.

He chokes and coughs, sputtering on the coffee.

For a moment I worry he's okay, then I hope the coffee burnt his tongue.

"When were you going to ask me?"

"Today. I take it you ran into Shelly at Alice's?"


"Should have just called and asked."


"Will you help even though you're mad right now?"

I sigh, "Yep."

"Okay good." He laughs. "I appreciate it. She's much more behaved when you're around."

I smile and wonder how she behaves when I'm not around. The coffee I swallow turns to acid in my stomach so I shut down the line of thinking, fast.

I take in the tarp Will pulls back and all the lumber we bought yesterday beneath it.

"Should we get started?" He asks.

"I don't know where to start," I admit looking at the trailer he had pulled into space.

"Let's start at the bottom and work our way up." He says gently.

He then sits on a stump and makes himself comfortable.

I sip my coffee and walk over to the stack of wood. I grab three planks and some two by fours and walk over to the saw he has set up. He watches me in silence, though I can feel his eyes questioning as I make my first cuts. I'm slow but precise. Not wanting to make any mistakes.

I grab the nail gun and add the planks to together in the right way, all angles line up and I exhale in relief as I pick it up and walk it to the trailer.

I place the steps in front of the middle of the eight by twenty trailer and climb up holding the nail gun.

"Okay, I'm ready," I call over to Will.

He bends over and laughs and I join in easily as he hands me the first plank of wood that will be the ground beneath my feet no matter where in the world I am. 

Authors note: Hi guys, let me know what you think of Shelly? Is she likeable or annoying? Thanks for reading!

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