Guess who's back? No it's not Slim Shady you guys!!! :(

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Hello, mina! 

I have so much to tell you right now! First of all, some of you expressed that you wanted me to make a sequel to this story, so I agreed to it. However, I haven't really been able to figure out a plot that would inspire me enough to write a separate book.

Don't worry guys, I will not deprive you of continuation of this story!

My idea was to actually start something new that will have this continuation within. I have read the full manga recently and I am honestly getting obsessed with the Miya twins, especially Atsumu. Actually, I love the whole Inarizaki. I also like Sakusa, and I've always loved Kuroo, so I've really enjoyed those chapters and I'm so excited for it to be animated.

Other than Kuroo, I really loved all setters, especially Kageyama, but ever since that game against Inarizaki, I am honestly so torn. Kageyama is my baby and I've watched him grow, literally, but Atsumu is so much more relatable to me. I play setter and for some reason, the way he looks at his position, how he does things, I just relate to it so much.

This has turned into a rant about my love for the foxes, so I'll get back to the main topic. Tell me about your favourite characters, though, and what you love about them. I really like reading your interpretations of their characters!

My brilliant idea was to actually start a Haikyuu!! X reader book as a collection of short stories and whatnot. Basically anything you guys request. Now, you may be wondering where this book comes into play with this new project I thought of. Don't worry, it's all fine.

My plan was to write a couple of chapters of continuation of Pinky-promise and publish them in this new book. They could be considered as separate chapters, mini-stories on their own, or a sequel in which you get to see a bit more of character development and some more insight in their relationship.

Anyway, before I publish anything, I wanted to ask you guys for your opinion first. Do you want to see this? Do you have any requests already I could get on with before publishing the first few stories? I have already written those chapters for Iwa so it won't come late. Don't worry about that.

And with this, I am ending my half rant and half annunciation. Stay safe, guys, and remember:

love Atsumu and Osamu.

Joking, joking.

Just stay safe, you don't have to love them. I'll gladly take them for myself. Mwahahahaha!

Bye and until next chapter,


Pinky-promise Vol 2 (Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now