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Goddammit! This wasn't supposed to happen. He wasn't supposed to take the same classes as me. He wasn't supposed to take this class. I know I shouldn't have gone to college. I know I shouldn't have gone to this college, but the Tokyo one is the best, and couldn't lose my education. 

The moment I saw him yesterday, I nearly fainted. First, it meant that idiot Oikawa and (Bff/N) were here, too. Second of all, it was very risky because I couldn't let him get into my head again. I know I never got over him. But I had too much on my plate right now, and I cannot deal with him. 

"Are you even listening, (L/N)-san?" The random girl next to me said. I don't even know who she was. Not that I cared. No one could replace (Bff/N) and I don't want anyone to do that. I'm fine on my own. 

So why the hell does my head want to turn around? Why are my eyes constantly flickering right, hoping to catch a glimpse of him? 

I need to stay away from him. Too many happy memories are related to him.
I was so grateful when the classes started, even though I couldn't focus exactly on anything our professor was saying. She blabbed on and on, and I felt like all that left her mouth was nonsense. Who the hell talks that much about an art in-class project to college kids? Just give me a canvas and some inspiration, dammit woman! 

The moment she stopped talking, I grabbed my brushes and a pencil and started sketching on the canvas, while spinning the brush in my other hand. Ever since that happened, I have become very restless. My fingers shake all the time and I have to do something with them if I don't want them to start tingling as my anxiety rises. It's been a painful few months for me, which is why I don't want anyone around. No one can handle it. They would get me used to them, they would give me hope, and then run for the hills when they saw my darkness. I can't have that happening, now, can I? 

"I'm sorry. Can I borrow that green? Mine is apparently completely dried out."
Can he leave me alone? I gripped the brush in my hand, stopping its flow between my fingers, and turned to look at him. I had to grit my teeth together not to scream. My gut was twisting and I was completely frozen as my muscles clenched. Why does this guy carry all my suppressed memories and anxiety? 

"Yes." I know I probably came off rude, but my mind was screaming at me to run, my legs were bouncing with the instinct to hide, and my ears rung. He took it from my hand, our fingers brushing just for a moment, and then I pulled back, grabbing the pencil I dropped hastily. "Thank you very much, (L/N)-san." He said in his deep, gruff voice that had a rough almost growl to it. Puberty-truck had hit him hard, and I failed to notice that in those few interactions we had back in high-school. Although, to my defense, he was screaming at Oikawa for the biggest part of it. 

"Who's the hottie?" The girl asked, and I was tempted to ask her who the hell she was, but I held back. It wasn't her fault that I don't care enough to listen to her. "Who? That guy?" I snorted, feeling my throat tickle with laughter. "Yeah, that guy! He's dreamy. Did you go to high-school together?" 

Now, that wasn't funny at all. "No." I quickly shut her down. "I met the guy yesterday. One of my friends introduced us." I remember the days when I never lied. 

Her face remained excited as she threw a glance at him. "Well, I guess you wouldn't mind me devouring that piece of meat. Hot, strong meat." She had issues. Real issues. I just tried to smile, not saying I succeeded and nodded my head. "Knock yourself out. Actually don't. Don't choke." I swear, if I hadn't corrected myself, she would have actually knocked herself out. She gave me the vibes of higher intelligence. Hint: sarcasm.

She just giggled, though, and returned to her painting. Now that I actually pay attention to it, the color scheme was oddly inspired by green. The same green of Iwa's sweater. 

And on another episode of Let's talk about creepy!

If I have to play matchmaker for another person I will stab someone. For real this time. 

I don't even remember when the class ended. I had a free day after, no classes left, so I just stayed in the art studio, finishing the painting. I must admit, I was going through my abstract phase, which is why it came as no surprise when only a single eye started revealing itself among the blur of colors. However, I really didn't care about the outcome of my art. I know I should, after all, something is going to have to be graded for this class, but art was my solace. Art was my therapy and my safe space. Art was everything and nothing to me, so when I painted, I did it for myself. Not because someone told me to do so. 

"Here. I feel like you're going to need it after that." And I would have snapped, had Iwa not nudged his head at the girl's painting that was just a bunch of green lines of different shape and shade. Letting out a breath through my nose, one that was supposed to resemble laughter, I nodded. 

"Yeah, I guess I might." As I said that, his eyes flickered to my face and he looked surprised. His surprise lasted for less than a second because he turned away from me and started walking out of the room. "It's nice knowing you're doing good, (L/N)." When he said that, I wanted to laugh in his face. He didn't have a clue about how well I was doing, but then his tone registered in my brain, and I felt my eyes burning. He was genuinely worried. He worried about what happened to me, and I hid from him. 

I had to blink a few times to stop the burning in my eyes, to be able to continue painting. Find your peace, (F/N). Find your peace.

Pinky-promise Vol 2 (Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now