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"Okay, let me get one thing straight." I watched her. I watched her as she clicked her tongue. And I was barely grasping what she was talking about. Something about Oikawa. It was important, I could tell that much from the way her eyebrows came together in a small frown. She waved her arms around, sat at a chair, her hair bouncing slightly as she did, and then continued speaking.

"(Bff/n) likes Oikawa-san. A lot. She is going out of her mind to just get him to notice her, but she isn't very confident. I don't know what else to do so I thought you might know something that could help. After all, he is your best friend." And with that single sentence, she pulled me out of the trance, she herself has put me in. I have wasted my time on that idiot, just because he was a coward. I was beyond annoyed, yet her presence didn't allow me to break down. "Oh, so all of his blabbing and whining was for nothing? She liked him all along?" I managed to say, feeling my voice go just a notch deeper. Her head snapped towards me, glossy eyes wide, and she jumped at me. Her hands grabbed my collar and for a moment I thought she was going to kiss me. Or I hoped. I don't really know, anymore. 

What's important is that she didn't. Instead, she screamed in my face. "You want to tell me that he liked her?! We spent nights thinking about what to do next and he liked her all along?!" She sounded desperate. Had she actually been so emotionally invested in the relationship between the two idiots? Even when she probably knew that Oikawa would dump her friend first chance he gets. Especially if she becomes a barrier between him and volleyball.

"Why didn't he tell her? Is he that big of a wuss?" I remember her voice had calmed down, but she still clung onto me. She was still very close, and I could smell that odd smell of dirt from the tennis field she was always at, and the deodorant she used. That minty smell had haunted me for months afterward. 

"Because he wanted to be with her, not to be rejected." I tried reasoning when all I wanted was to kiss her. She was so beautifully emotional. Passionate. "Great. Thanks for telling me that." And with that, she was gone. I remember seeing her around the school a few times right after that, and then she disappeared. Oikawa and her friend stayed together, yet even they didn't know where she was. Or her friend wouldn't tell. The only thing I know is that I've never seen her after that. She didn't graduate with us. She didn't go out with us. She was just gone. 

And then something happened. I was very nervous, I know that much. The winter break just ended, the last one before college. I was walking up to the huge building. Surprisingly, alone. Unfortunately, as it later turned out. Oikawa and his, now long term, girlfriend were late. Again. I didn't want to wait for them. I wouldn't be late for the first day of classes in college. Especially not because of a couple that most likely just started making out, or something. 

Okay, that was a lie. They weren't making out, nor would they, because surprisingly enough, both of them hated public displays of affection. What is true is that they were late and that I had no idea where they were. But that wasn't the most concerning part of my day. I have had many bad situations later on. People stopped me in the hallways asking about the little asshole, clearly recognizing me just because of him. That pissed me off greatly. And then the teacher made me do a group project, on the first day mind you, with a bunch of lost idiots. Yet the worst part of my day was when I saw her. Or I thought I did.

I had some free time between two classes, and I walked out to eat something when I caught a glimpse of (h/c). Now, don't get me wrong, I know that many girls have that hair color, but every girl has a slightly different shade, and the one that I caught was hers. I felt it. The way the sun reflected off the neatly trimmed tips was clear enough. So I followed her. I actually followed her around the campus, yet whenever I felt like I would catch up with her just around the corner, she disappeared. Like she was running away from me. I was sad, I remember that much. I was sad because I wanted it to be her. 

Even though I was over her, I just wanted to see her one more time. I just wanted to make sure she's okay. We were never close, but that doesn't mean I can't be concerned. But she ran away. She ran away from me and disappeared again.

Until the next day. The next day, and you can't even begin to comprehend my luck, I met her in one of my classes. And it was her. She still had the same (e/c) eyes, same face, same healthy look to her. But there was no smile. She didn't have a smile. Her signature smile. The one that made you grin and shake your head. The childish innocence and carefree spirit were visibly gone. 

"(L/N)-san?" I remember calling out to her. She flinched. She either didn't recognize me or chose to ignore me because her face remained buried in a book. I wanted to sit next to her, but another girl plopped down, making (L/N) give her a small and constricting smile. My throat was tight and my heart felt leaden. 

"(L/N)-san?" I repeated, walking up to her. I am definitely not going to let her get away. She probably wouldn't have looked up, hadn't the girl next to her looked up. She nudged her, capturing her attention. I know the look she gave me was involuntary because of the way her jaw flexed from the side to side just slightly. "Iwaizumi-kun. How nice seeing you here. I didn't know you enrolled here." She said very tightly. The discomfort was visible in her eyes. 

"Yes. Who would have guessed I would sign up for more years with Trashikawa." I said back, my eyebrows furrowed. I couldn't figure out what was up with her. "Right. Well, the class is about to start." She said, as if to hint to me it was time to leave. I just nodded and turned around, sitting somewhere in the middle of the room, holding my tongue pressed between my teeth not to say anything more. Disappointment washed over me as I sat down, looking at her sitting stiffly next to a girl that chatted animatedly. She should have been okay with that. She should have been excited. She should have been happy. What had happened to her?

Pinky-promise Vol 2 (Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now