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I ran out. I can't believe I actually thought he would accept me when I told him everything that happened. I can't believe I was so stupid. Of course, he wouldn't! Who in their right mind would accept some psychopath that cannot even accept that they had an accident? I pushed him away, I ran away from him multiple times, and I expect him to stay? I am freaking stupid.

I ran out of the building and towards my dorm. I might have tripped a few times because tears were blurring my vision, I can't even remember anymore. All I remember is that I wanted to leave college and never leave my house again. The dorm building was a few meters away from me, when a hand grasped my wrist, halting me.

I turned around, tugging my wrist away, not even comprehending that it was him who was holding me back. "No, please. Don't leave. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I froze." He said, weakening his grip on my wrist not to hurt me. "Iwa, don't. I understand. I don't even know why I expected you to like me if I told you everything. Just... Just let..." But I didn't get to finish.

His grip tightened momentarily and he pulled me towards himself, his other hand pushing the back of my head towards him, and in a second, his lips were on mine.

I was fixed in place for what seemed to be ages. It must not have been too long in reality, but it was long enough for him to pull back. His cheeks were dusted pink and he was as stoic as ever. Yet, deep down, and deep in his eyes, the eyes that brought me solace, I saw disappointment, I saw rejection, and I saw sadness. His eyes spoke to me, telling me he wanted me to kiss him back, he wanted to show me what he felt because his words failed him. But he didn't need to say anything, his eyes told me everything. They told me he didn't leave me, they showed me the fire of anger and righteousness, and they told me one very important thing.

One thing I knew all along, ever since that moment when we spoke in the classroom about Oikawa and (Bff/N), ever since he saw me in the art class or borrowed the green paint. I knew it when he chased me down in the park, and when I cried, and when we had lunch, and when he took me to (Bff/N). It was in every look I gave him, it was in that nagging feeling and need to look at him in art class, it was in the calmness of his voice. It was also in the way his voice pulled me out of my deepest pit, and in the way his name was the only thing I could and wanted to focus on in that pit.

It was always there, but I never recognized it. That small voice at the back of my head was telling me this all along, but I didn't understand her language back then. I didn't understand. But I decoded it, his eyes helped me learn the language. His eyes told me he was the one.

As I felt his grip loosen, panic flooded my lungs, my arms, and legs, and I quickly grabbed his face, tugging him down. My lips crashed against his and that was it. I knew that even if that car came at me again, even if that door flew off again, even if I never touch a racket again, everything would be alright. Everything would be alright and I would be safe because he was here. My Iwa was here.

We pulled away, breathing heavily from running, but also because he took my breath away. I couldn't help but smile at him, yet he remained stoic. "I like you, (F/N). I always did. No person on this Earth could not like you. You have a beautiful soul and everyone can see that. It pains me that you cannot feel it, but I'm willing to remind you every day just how gorgeous you are and how important you are to me."

I was at loss for words, and that is saying something. I always have something to say, but I guess there's always a first time for everything. I'm just really glad it was with him. I want him to be my first everything, but I also want him to my last. I know we are young and there's a lot of time for my feelings to change, but I don't believe they would. I'm not sure I would ever run into someone like him. And let's face it, you can't go much better than Iwa. It would disobey the laws of nature. I'm sure even he was hanging on the edge of distorting the balance nature has set.

For the loss of words, and for the sheer wish to just feel it again, I pulled him down once more and kissed him. This time I focused on it. I focused on every point of contact of our bodies, and it was extremely difficult because we were pressed against each other tightly.

A smile forced its way onto my face mid-kiss, and I felt him smile, too. It was like our bodies were so intertwined that energy just flowed between us. I could feel his positive energy filling me up. It was honestly so beautiful.

"I think I might love you, Iwa," I whispered once we pulled back, not sure if what I'm saying is true or not. I knew I cared for him, I knew I liked him, but love I wasn't sure. Not because my feelings were not strong enough, but because I never felt it before. I never felt this ache at the thought of walking away from someone.

He only chuckled, shaking his head lightly, and placed a kiss on my forehead. "I think I might love you, too." He said, making me smile. I guess that was more than good enough for now. We had time to explore our feelings, I don't think I will be running away anytime soon.

"Just don't run." He said, making me gasp and slap his shoulder. It was as if he thought exactly the same thing as I did. "That depends on you, Iwa. Don't make me run away." He smiled, pulling back away from me and held his pinky in front of me. "Pinky-promise?" I couldn't help myself anymore. I don't think I would be able to live without this dork.


Pinky-promise Vol 2 (Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now