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I know I gave Iwa that "be proud" speech, but I am honestly feeling like such a disappointment myself. First of all, I have pushed my friends away at the first hardship in my life. Second of all, I have said I will not let anyone from my past life back in, and yet here I am, exactly 13 days after I was chased down in the park, sitting in a booth in some café just outside the campus, right across from him. He was staring at the cup of tea in front of him, avoiding my gaze ever since we met in this café. He hadn't said a word.

I was getting sick of the silence. It wasn't uncomfortable, but I'm that type of person that just cannot stay silent for more than a few minutes. I was always like that, I just kind of lost the touch with this side of myself over time. Just as I was about to say something, Iwa spoke up. "I tried out for the volleyball team." He said it so quickly that I barely caught it. I really wanted to smile once I got it, though. I really wanted to, but if he didn't get in, it would have been much more painful. I gulped down the hot liquid that I was having and licked my lips. "And? How did it go?"

He was silent for a long moment. I had to take another sip to calm the nerves that were making my hands tremble. It was a very intense moment.

"I got in."

At that moment, I swear to you, I wanted nothing else but to scream. Fun #3 fact about me: when I want to do something really bad, I do it. My squealing and jumping up caught the attention of the whole café. I quickly caught myself and sat down, covering my mouth with my hand. I couldn't help but laugh at my own outburst. Iwa's eyes were also threatening to pop out of his skull. He was too funny. "Oh my God, Iwa! That's amazing! I am so proud of you!" He calmed down a bit when I spoke up, releasing a huff through his nose that resembled a chuckled. "Yeah, you seem like it." I chuckled again, reaching over the table, grabbing his hand. He visibly tensed, by he didn't pull away. "I knew you can do it." My words seemingly relaxed him because his eyes softened and his lips twitched in a smile. "Thank you."

I felt very emotional at that moment. All pent-up emotions, all frustration, and all fear just elevated from my stomach and blocked my throat. My eyes burned and I had to blink a few times to push the tears back. Nodding my head, I pulled the cup to my lips, distracting myself. "Coach said I could fight my way to the starting line-up in the next few years." He said, his voice rather quiet. He wanted to tell me this, but not sound like he's bragging. He was a humble guy like that. I just wanted to hug him and pinch his cheek and protect him with everything I have. "I told you so, you idiot." I couldn't help it, the woman inside me was fighting for those words to come out.

"I know. Can I pay for this drink as thanks for that little pep talk you gave me?" He asked after a moment of us just smiling at each other. I felt very weird, but I let him do it. Might as well use the situation, if you know what I mean. My small nod was registered by his keen eyes, and he leaned back in his chair. "Okay, now that that's settled. How about we go out to play some tennis? I always wanted to learn." His request surprised me greatly. My smile fell and I felt my stomach twist. Subconsciously, I gripped the cup tighter and pulled it towards myself slightly. "No."

"Oh, come on! You don't even have to run if you don't want it. Be my coach, I'll just bounce the ball against the wall."

Okay, I know Iwaizumi, and this is definitely not him. I'm sure that either Oikawa told him to consciously whine, or he was just subconsciously rubbing off of him. But it wasn't Iwa I knew. My eyebrows narrowed and I felt my lower lip pop out, just like it did every time I was considering a situation I shouldn't have wanted. "Fine." I sighed and stood up. I don't know what it was to him, or how would this end, but I was willing to test it out.

Iwa got up, too, and paid for our drinks, before following me out of the café. I turned to walk towards the tennis court, but he grabbed the back of my shirt, pulling me back lightly. "This way." He said and walked in the opposite direction. I had to jog to catch up with him, his long legs in clear advantage. "Wait, wait, wait. The courts are that way." I tried to stop him, but he only shot me look accompanied by a shrug and continued walking. "We're not going to the campus courts. They're most likely occupied now." Okay, his logic was as pristine as ever. I pouted slightly and followed, wondering where in the name of everything holy and unholy were we going. We were walking for a few good minutes before a tall metal fence rose before us. Beyond and between the metal bars, I could see two tennis courts. On one of them were two boys. 

They were semi-professional judging by the equipment they had. Each of them had a bag filled with multiple rackets and balls. Iwa didn't wait a second before approaching them, calling out to one of them by name. The boy turned around and a huge smile danced on his face. "Iwa-kun!" He beamed, bouncing to Iwa and wrapping his arms around the older boy's waist. They spoke for a few moments and the boy tossed him a pair of rackets and a ball before Iwa came back to me. I took the racket from his hand, arching a single eyebrow. "What happened to bouncing the ball against the wall?" He just shrugged, fighting a smirk. "I forgot there's no wall here." My eyes narrowed at him playfully, but I agreed to play with him anyway. No harm in tossing the ball back a few times, I guess.

I was right. We had too much fun, and I would have definitely regretted not coming. I don't remember laughing this much in a long time, and I don't remember him being this clumsy in... Well, ever. 

Pinky-promise Vol 2 (Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now