A Big Day Ahead

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You woke up the next morning to the smell of coffee. You sat up in bed, yawned and stretched your arms out. Then you put your robe on and made your way downstairs to the kitchen. You'd almost believed last night was a dream, until you saw Niall sitting at your kitchen table reading the paper and sipping coffee nearly naked.
"Well good mornin' sleepyhead," Niall said when he saw you.
"Good morning," you said back, giving him a soft kiss on the lips.
"You slept good last night huh?"
"Very good. How did you know?" You asked.
"Well, for starters there's little creases on your cheek where you slept which means you hardly moved and you may or may not have snored a bit last night."
Embarrassed you quickly asked, "I didn't. Did I?"
"A little, but it was absolutely adorable if you ask me," Niall said back with a smile.
Still embarrassed you walked away from the conversation to get yourself some coffee to hide your flushed cheeks.
"This coffee tastes so good right now," you said.
Niall smiled and said, "it is pretty amazing, but you know what sounds better?"
"What?" You asked.
"A shower. I'm still a bit sticky everywhere if you know what I mean," he winked.
"I absolutely know what you mean," you said as you put your finger in your neck showing how it stuck to it just a little.
Niall laughed.
"My shower is upstairs of you want to go first," you said innocently.
"Okay, could you come with me and show me where everything is?"
You smiled and beckoned him to follow you.
When you got to your bathroom, you grabbed a towel for him and began to show him where things were. He just smiled at you and nodded. Then as you began to walk away you said, "well I'll leave you to it."
As you turned you felt his hand on your wrist.
"Stay?" He said sweetly.
You smiled and kissed him before slipping off your robe and stepping into the shower.
"Are you coming?" You said because Niall hadn't immediately followed you into the shower. He smiled, stripped down what little clothes he had on and stepped in beside you.
The water was warm and it felt so good to scrub the stickiness off your body.
As you stood there with him, your mind snapped back to reality for a moment and before you knew it you were talking. "I hate to ask, but when am I gonna wake up from this dream?" You asked.
"Paige I'm sorry, but I have to go back to LA early tomorrow morning."
Your heart sank. "So soon?" you asked.
"I know. We weren't quite finished when I left and they need me to make some final decisions, so I need to go back and wrap things up."
"Can't you do those over video chat or something? You asked desperately.
"I wish it were that simple, but we have to take photos for the album and do promotional stuff and maybe fix a few songs so everything is perfect." He replied sounding exhausted just talking about it.
"Okay well you'll be back soon right?" You asked eagerly.
"I wish I could say yes, but I really don't know. The producers talked about some other songs they wanna try and they need me there to write and record so it could be another 2 weeks, maybe more. I wish I could just bring you with me."
"I mean you could. I don't have anything going on really, I could manage a trip to LA," you said in a hopeful tone.
"Paige I'd love that, I really would, but I told you I'm not sure I would have time to see you ever. I don't want drag you all that way and hardly ever see you."
"I wouldn't mind. I mean you would come to bed every night right? And we could always get lunch or dinner or whatever when you're free. I'd see you more there then I would here. Plus I could help you out if you want," you said, "you know, writing songs and stuff."
You weren't really sure what you were saying until it came out of your mouth, but you realized it was what you wanted. You wanted to be with him.
"Are you sure? I don't know how long I'll be there for."
You nodded and smiled and soon a big grin came across Niall's face and he picked you up and hugged you.
"Um Niall."
"Yeah princess?"
"The water is getting kinda cold do you think we could get out now?"
He laughed and nodded. Then he turned off the water and stepped out of the shower and you were right behind him.
After you dried off and did your post-shower routine, you and Niall sat down and had lunch at your place. Neither of you had talked much since the conversation about going to LA together, so you decided to break the silence.
"Hm?" He mumbled looking up from his food to meet your eyes.
"Are you sure you're okay with me going with you to California? I know it's a big step so suddenly and I don't want to impose on you or your work," you spoke fast and nervously.
"Honestly Paige, I'm more sure of it now than when I said yes to you. The more I think about it the better the idea sounds and the more I'm kicking myself for not just asking you in the first place."
"Really? You were thinking about it?"
"Of course! Paige I know we've only known each other for a short time, but I feel closer to you than I've ever felt with anyone before, even with girls that I've known for years! I don't mean to be clingy or anything, but I can never get enough time with you I don't know what it is! Honestly Paige, I think I'm in love with you."
You paused, a little shocked and not totally sure what to say.
"Wow Niall I had no idea that you felt that strongly about me," you said, slowly. "Niall I think I love you too."
Niall smiled wide and gave you the biggest hug yet. You were so happy and Niall seemed like he was too. You sat back down to finish your food and Niall was nonstop talking now.
"Oh Paige you're gonna love California! The beach, the sun, the night life, the music scene! I can't wait to show you around!"
"Sounds amazing! When do we leave?"
"Our plane leaves at 7 tomorrow morning! I took the liberty of getting you a ticket," he said proudly.
"They still have some this late in the day?"
"Well uh, I may have booked it yesterday when I got mine," he said nervously. "I was hoping to bring you back with me, but I chickened out, but then you ended up wanting to anyway so it worked out!"
You laughed and shook your head. "You're such a dork!"
"Yeah but a dork that you are in love with!"
"I can't argue there. Oh my gosh I need to pack! What the heck am I going to pack?"
Niall laughed, then took your hand and led you to your closet. He listed off important items and after they were packed you had room for more so he listed off other things you may need while you're there.
"Well that's about all that I can fit in my suitcases!"
"Anything else you might need we can always buy," Niall said and shrugged.
"Is that an offer to buy me fancy clothes? Because I'm pretty much a broke and starving artist," you joked.
Niall laughed along with you before saying, "why don't you move out of here?"
"And then where would I live?" You asked still somewhat laughing, thinking he was kidding.
"Well I have a place and it has a few extra bedrooms in it and I'm not there all the time..."
"Niall are you asking me to move in with you?" You asked nervously.
"Well I mean not with me just more of into my house, you could have your own room and I would be very generous with the rent. I don't know it was just a thought and honestly you probably think I'm some crazy murderer or somethin' like that..."
"Okay," you said, interrupting him.
"Okay? Like you will?"
"Yeah I mean why not, it makes sense in my mind."
"Okay then!"
"Okay then," you said smiling.
"Wow. Busy day for us huh?" Niall said laughing.
"Yeah I guess it was," you said matching his tone. "I really should talk to Emma before I leave, let her know what's going on."
"That's probably a good idea. I need to get a few things at my place, do you want me to drop you off at her place?"
"That would be great. Let me see if she's home."
After texting Emma and confirming that she was there, you and Niall made your way over there. It was a fairly short drive from your place and you were pretty sure you smiled the whole way. One time you even caught Niall smiling to himself and you knew in that moment everything was going to workout.
"Here ya are," he said as you pulled up to Emma's flat. "Do you want me to go with you?"
"Yes, but you have stuff to do, so go do it and I'll handle this. I'll see you soon."
You smiled at each other and gave him a quick kiss before opening the door and making your way to Emma's door.
Before you knocked, you took a deep breath and thought to yourself, here goes nothing.
Emma opened the door and greeted you with a big hug.
"To what do I owe the pleaser love?" Emma asked.
You giggled and asked if you could sit down and talk for a little bit. Emma let you in and led you to her living room couch.
"What's up Paige? You seem nervous."
"I might be a little nervous to tell you, but I promise you it's good news."
"Well spill it then, cmon!"
"I'm going back to LA with Niall! We leave in the morning!"
"What?! No way! Paige that's so exciting! An overseas trip with the Irish hottie!"
"You're not mad?"
"Why would I be mad, love?"
"Well you told me a while back you weren't sure it was a good idea to go that far with a stranger."
"Well yes, but he did come all the way back here just to see you, obviously there's something there! I'm happy if your happy, you know that."
"Thanks Em, that means a lot." You hugged your best friend before telling her the news of you moving. "There's another thing."
"Niall asked me to move into his place. Not with him! Just into one of the rooms there."
"Wow and I thought I moved fast! What has gotten into you? You never do things like this!"
"I know I know, but nothing's ever worked out before this and I just wasted two years of my life being with the wrong guy and I feel it way down deep that Niall is the right guy this time and I want this so bad."
"You're in love aren't you? I've never seen you like this, you're hopelessly in love with that man."
"Yeah Em, I am. He's everything I've ever wanted and more. He's so sweet to me and he gets nervous around me and it's adorable and it just feels right."
"Well you know me, if you feel it go for it. There's no other away to live life! When will you be back from LA?"
You hesitated, "I don't really know. Niall doesn't even really know."
Emma nodded and hugged you again, you even felt a few tears on your shoulder.
"Aw Em, I'll be back before you know it. Besides you're moving in with Josh, that's so exciting!"
"I know, it's just we haven't been away from each other for more than a few days in so long. I don't know what I'll do without you."
"How about your boyfriend?"
"Paige!" Emma said, shocked.
"What? Don't act like that won't take up some of your time!" You laughed.
Soon you saw a text from Niall saying he was back. So you got up and Emma insisted on saying hi to him. As you walked up to the car Niall rolled the windows down.
"Hi Emma, how are ya?" Niall asked politely.
Without missing a beat Emma said back, "you better take care of my girl! I may not be very big or scary but if you hurt her or let something happen to her there will be hell to pay."
Niall put one hand up and the other on his hear and said, "I give you my word. She'll be in good hands."
"She better!"
"Bye Emma," you said turning her around before she could go on another rant. You gave her a hug then jumped in the car with Niall.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Ready," you said.
You waved to your friend as you drove away, sad, excited and scared, all at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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