Dinner and a Movie

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It had only been two days since Niall left and you couldn't stop replaying everything in your mind. It was all so surreal. He was the sweetest guy and to think, you almost didn't consider going out with him.
You were sitting at your piano messing around with the idea of your song being a duet, when you felt your phone buzz.

Heyyy! Haven't heard from
you in a while, everything good?
                                                            Yeah all good!
                                 Wanna come over for dinner
                           tonight? I have lots to tell you!!!

Hottie Irishman stories I hope!
Should I bring wine??

                                           Is that even a question?
                                            We always need wine!

After about an hour of working on the song you decided to go to the store and grab some stuff for dinner. When you got back to your place you hopped in the shower and took your sweet time getting ready. You decided to look cute since you didn't get to dress nice all the time and you put on some simple makeup. You tried on a couple of different outfits before settling on some high waisted boyfriend jeans and a multicolored striped button down shirt that your knotted around your waist. You curled your hair to give a bit of a wave and put half of it up in a small bun on the back of your head. Just as you were about to go down to start making dinner your phone began to buzz.
Maybe it's Emma wondering what kind of wine she should bring. You thought.
But as the phone kept buzzing you knew it wasn't a text. You picked up your phone and your heart skipped a beat when you saw the name. Niall. He was FaceTiming you. This was the first time you talked to him since he left.

"Well hi there stranger," you said trying not to sound overly excited.
"Has it been that long?" He asked smiling at your silliness.
"Yes, it's been terribly long time not seeing that smirk on your face," you said in an overly dramatic way.
Niall laughed and then continued on your little joke saying, "well remind me not to leave you alone for so long next time. You get a little crazy." He winked at you.
"Rude," you said laughing.
"You've also gotten more beautiful somehow. Hot date tonight?"
"Maybe. Jealous much?" You joked, then continued actually answering his question, "Just Emma, we're having dinner and wine. It's gonna get pretty crazy I'd say," you said sarcastically.
"Well don't let me spoil your fun! Just wanted to say hi and show you this beautiful view from my balcony." As he said that, he flipped the camera to show an amazing view of green hills and a small glimpse of the ocean.
"Wow. That's what you get to wake up to every day? I'm so jealous!"
"Makes me think of you Paige," he said sweetly.
"Oh yeah? Miss me already huh?"
"A little, I'll admit yeah," Niall's cheeks flushed as he said it.
"You're cute when you're needy," you said winking at him.
"I try," he said laughing. 
"Is it too early to fly me out there?"
"I'd fly you out here right now if I could."
"But?" you said sensing he wanted to continue. 
"But, I'm really busy Paige and I'm afraid I wouldn't have time for you even if you were here. I'm working hard to get back as soon as I can I promise."
"I understand. Do what you need to do. But just know, I wouldn't be too heartbroken if I had to fly to California," you said smiling.
"I bet not, it's beautiful here! Lovely weather right now."
"Better than an overcast rainy day in London?"
"Depends on my mood. Sometimes you need a good rainy day."
"I agree. Well I better get cooking so there's actually food ready for when Emma gets here! Try not to work too hard!" You said with a big smile.
"You either! Don't burn your place down," he said back with a laugh.
"I'll try not to!" You said laughing.
"I miss ya Paige," he said in a sweet soft voice.
"I miss you too Niall," you said back. Then you both waved and said goodbye to each other and hung up the phone.

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