The Sweet Song of Love

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You had butterflies in your stomach the whole drive over to Niall's place and for once you weren't nervous at all to play a song you wrote for someone that wasn't Emma. As you pulled up behind him he waved, signaling you to follow him inside. So you parked your car in the driveway and followed him in.
As you walked inside you were amazed all over again and you weren't sure you'd ever get used to his beautiful home. The memories of where everything was started to come back to you and you made your way to the piano in his living room.
"Would ya rather have a guitar?" Niall asked as you sat down at the piano bench.
"No, I think the piano will work," you said, never taking your eyes off the keys.
"Suit yourself. Let's hear it then eh?"
"Okay, but don't be too hard on me. It isn't finished yet."
Niall shook his head to let you know he wouldn't make fun of you, then pointed to the piano and said, "have at it darlin'."
You took a deep breath and collected yourself. Then you played the first couple of chords and suddenly everything melted away. You were alone in the room and the music took over. You finished the intro and then began to sing. And sing and sing. By the time you got to the end of the lyrics  you had so far, you forgot you were in someone else's house, playing on someone else's piano.
"Wow." Niall said, wide eyed with amazement.
"What? Was it bad?" You asked a little panicked.
"Are you kiddin'? Paige that was amazing, you have a beautiful, powerful voice."
"Aw thanks, my mom did what she could to teach me," you said unsure of how to react the compliment. "So what do you think the song needs though? Another verse? The chorus again and maybe a piano solo or something?" You asked frantically.
"Honestly I liked it. It could use some work getting the music and the lyrics to work together better and I think a male harmony would go really well in there."
You smiled and said, "I like that idea. What if I changed it a bit and made it more into a duet?"
"It's worth a shot!" He said excitedly before he sat down next to you and started to work out the chords you played.
After a bit of messing around you turned to him cautiously and asked, "Are you mad that I used those chords you showed me when we first met?"
"Mad? Are you kiddin me? How could I be mad when your the first draft of the song your wrote with em sounded like that?"
"I was worried you'd hate it or get mad or both or.."
Niall cut you off with a kiss. At first you were a little shocked but then you both melted into it like you had done it with one another a thousand times before. He reached his hands up and cupped your face, deepening the kiss. Then he slowly brought his hands to your hips and pulled you on to his lap. You gasped at how easily he picked you up. Before you knew it he was standing up and carrying you to his bedroom. He set you down on his bed while continuing to kiss your lips.
"Can I?" Niall asked, before he started to untie the knot holding your romper up.
You simply said, "yes," and slipped out of it with ease.
"Wow. Paige you are absolutely beautiful," he said after looking you over once.
Then the two of you crawled on the bed a bit farther. He was on all fours when he reached behind his neck and pulled his shirt over his head. You ran your fingers through the hair on his chest chest and over the muscles on his arms, taking in everything. You continued to kiss and make love and soon you weren't sure what time it was and you really didn't care. Everything was so perfect, even the few awkward moments, the ones that come with everyone's first time together, the ones they don't show you in the movies, the ones that make the moment more tender and more real.

After some time, the two of you laid under the covers, facing each other and holding hands. Smiling you said, "Wow, who woulda thought I'd be back in your bed without clothes and actually know where I am this time?"
"I called it as soon as you tried to take my clothes off that first night," he smirked.
With a playful shocked face you laugh and gave his chest a little push.
"How dare you. I thought you were a complete gentleman that night," you said smiling.
"I was! I didn't do anything, but I never said I didn't think it. Plus when I walked in here and you were on your hands and knees looking for your pants I knew you'd be fun to really get to know. And let's face it, you didn't look half bad layin' in my bed half naked so.."
"Niall!" you said, this time nearly tackling him which ended with you laying on top of him and kissing him.
A short time later you rolled back onto your side facing him again and the two of you sat in silence for a long moment before Niall interjected.
"Paige, I really like you," after a short pause he continued, "and I'm not really sure how to say this because I don't do it very often, but what do you think about continuing this and maybe making us exclusive?"
"Niall I..."
He cut you off and continued it a worried tone, "if it's too soon I understand, you can take your time and think about it or whatever you need to do I'm here and I'm in no hurry."
And before he could continue his little rant you interrupted, "Niall, Niall. Breathe, hon, just breathe."
"Okay, okay," he said trying to match your breathing.
"I was gonna say, I'm having a lot of fun with you and I don't do this very often either which is why I'm afraid it will always feel like it's too soon, so I might as well get on with my life and you make me really happy and I would really love to continue this and make it exclusive."
"Yeah?" he asked with a big smile.
"Yeah I really would," you said smiling just as big as him.
The smiling was interrupted with a big kiss.
After another hour of so of talking you started to yawn.
"Niall, I should probably get going," you said in between yawns.
"No Paige, please stay," Niall said as he pulled you closer to him.
You gave in because you knew deep down that you didn't really want to leave. So you stayed curled up next to Niall all night.

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