A Late Night

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It's been one week since Niall left and you missed him now more than ever. You talk more and more often as time goes by and the conversations keep getting a bit longer. Emma always checks in to see how the "Irish hottie" is doing and you never leave any detail out, as long as Niall's okay with it. As time went on Niall became more and more unsure about when he would actually be able to return to London, but the two of you promised each other to look on the positive side of things, so you always tried your best to do that for him.

One afternoon you were sitting on Emma's couch talking about random events when you remembered something big you wanted to tell her.
"Emma!" you said cutting in on a short silence between the two of you.
"What? What is it" Emma asked back.
"I forgot to tell you, Niall called me babe yesterday when we were FaceTiming each other!"
"Yes! I know that might sound a little lame, but pet names can be a pretty big step yeah?" You asked, a little worried that you were overreacting.
"Oh my gosh, yes they can be a big step!" Emma said, easing your worry.
"Yes! For some people, pet names like babe or baby can mean a lot! It means that he's comfortable with you and that he knows you well enough not to call you by a 'formal' first name!"
"You're totally right. Thanks Emma, I was a little skeptical about how excited I was when he said that."
Soon Emma started to talk about her boyfriend, Josh, the one she met the same night you met Niall. Emma was so happy with him and you couldn't wait to meet him.
"We should double date sometime!" Emma said excitedly.
"Yeah for sure! I can't wait to meet him," you said not giving any specific dates because of Niall's schedule.
"When does Niall get back?" Emma asked, even though you've told her several times and you even talked to her about going to California to see him.
"I'm not sure, maybe next week," you said.
"Well whenever he does come back we need  to go on a double date!"
"Deal," you said as you clinked your glass of water with Emma's.

A few more days had gone by and you're almost at the two week mark. Niall began to share songs with you. He never said it directly, but some sounded like they could've been about you. Others sounded like songs he had written with a broken heart. You talked about them over FaceTime a lot.
"I think this may be my favorite song I've ever written," Niall said with a pick in his mouth while writing down notes on a piece of paper.
"Yeah? Can I hear it?" You asked excited to hear his new music.
"I'll play ya the music, but I'm not gonna sing any lyrics. I don't want ta spoil it!" He said back, taking the pick out of his mouth.
He strummed a few chords and then look at you for feedback.
"I like it! It sounds happy and kinda makes me wanna jump around the room!"
"That's what I'm goin for! Glad it's comin across like I want it," he said with a wink. "I also wrote one about the night we met.  Though I'll admit, I make myself sound a lot cooler in this song than I actually was that night," he said as his face flushed a little.
"Can I hear the lyrics to that one?" You asked with a big smile trying to convince him to let you hear it.
"Alright here's part of the first verse," he strummed a couple of chords and then began to sing, "I like the way you talk, I like the things you wear. I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink, I swear."
"You wanted to tattoo my number on your arm? Wow, I must've made quite the impression!" You laughed after you said it.
"I told ya I made myself sound a lot cooler in the song! I don't even want a tattoo!"
"Maybe you should get one," you said mischievously.
"No way! Never!"
"Never say never! Things change ya know," you said shrugging your shoulders.
"Speaking of tattoos, you never showed those other ones that you're hiding! We're well passed our second date now," he said.
You could tell he wasn't gonna give up on the subject so you said to him, "you mean you didn't see them when we spent the night together?"
"Not exactly, it was dark and I had other things on my mind!"
"That's fair, I guess the next time I see you, in person, I'll show you my tattoos."
"Deal!" he said sounding very excited.
"Who knows, maybe I'll even convince you to get one," you said back with a wink.
"Never," he said back simply.
"I think tattoos are hot, when done in a tasteful way. It's kind of rebellious and not at the same time," you said honestly.
"Rebellious, huh? You strike me as a rule follower, Paige."
"Maybe I am, but a bit of rebellion is good every once in a while."
"I'm not sure how to feel about that, but it's kinda turnin me on," Niall said half serious, half embarrassed.
"Sorry, not much I can do about it alllll the way over here in London," you said exaggerating your voice, teasing him.
"Hey, don't test me or I might just have to fly back there and kiss ya ta death!"
"I dare you to," you said, being serious about the dare.
"Fine. See ya in 13 hours," Niall said right before he hung up the phone.
Um what the heck just happened? You thought to yourself.
You felt a buzz from your phone.
Sorry, my finger slipped and I hit the hang up button! Anyway, I gotta get to the studio. I'll see you soon! I miss you Paige.

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