Saturday Night

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It was 5 o'clock. You decided to call Connor and ask him over so you could talk, but you also decided not to cancel on Niall. You strategically planned out the times so neither of them would have to see each other...hopefully.
6, Connor should be here by now. Just as that thought came to your mind, there was a knock on your front door.
"Connor, hi," you said with a sophisticated tone trying not to show him how you're feeling until you know what he's feeling.
"Hi Paige. Can I come in?"
"Yeah, sure."
"You look nice."
Crap. I didn't think about him noticing my outfit.
"Oh um thanks, Emma and I had an early dinner."
Smooth, you thought as you had yourself an imaginary pat on the back.
"So I wanted to talk about last night and I know you said you wanted to make this quick, but I think we have so much to discuss."
"I'm not sure I feel the same way."
"I guess that's fair. Paige I just thought you were making a hasty decision."
"But I wasn't, I've been thinking about this for a long time."
"And you didn't tell me?"
You could see the anger coming back into his eyes.
"I thought we were supposed to tell each other everything," he said in a mocking tone.
"I guess I figured you'd be happy for me no matter what. Excuse me for thinking my boyfriend would be supportive!"
Everything was coming back to you, the anger the heartbreak of getting your dreams crushed by the man you thought was your best friend.
"You know what Connor I think you should leave before this turns into an all out screaming match," you said with some resolve in your tone.
Just then you saw a car pull up to your flat.
Oh no. Niall. He's early. You thought, trying not to show it on your face.
Just then you saw the car pull out and drive off.
Okay that was weird.
"Who was that?" Connor asked with a suspicion in his voice.
Connor had always been a little jealous when it came you and other guys and I guess right now he kind of had a right to.
"I don't know, they must've had the wrong place," you replied back with a bit of honesty.
"Wow. Glad to see you've moved on already Paige. Real classy."
"And it's that kind of thinking right there that lost you a girlfriend. I really think you should leave Connor. I'll get your things together and you can come by and get them some other time."
"Whatever Paige. Have fun ruining your life."
He walked out the door and he slammed it behind him.
Ugh, I'll show him. I'm gonna be a success, I can feel it.
A knock on the door broke your thoughts. You weren't sure if it was Niall or Connor so you answered the door cautiously.
"Oh hi Niall," you said with a smile.
"Hello again," he said right before handing you a bouquet of flowers and giving you a light kiss on the cheek.
"Oh Niall, these are gorgeous!"
"Just like you. Wow. You look stunning."
"Thank you. I'll just go put these in some water and we can head out okay?"
"Sounds good ta me. Ya might wanna grab a sweater, could get cold ta-night."
You put the flowers in a vase with water and set them on your table, then you grabbed a sweater and the two of you were off to dinner.

"So uh was that you that pulled up in my driveway and then drove away?" you inquired.
"Ya, I saw you and that guy arguing in the window, so I lost my nerve. Then I circled back and he was gone so I stuck around."
"Yeah that was my boyfriend."
Niall turned his head toward you and gave you an inquisitive look.
"Ex-boyfriend. Sorry. We just recently broke up, which is why I went so crazy at the bar last night and why I wasn't sure about going on this date."
"Aw Paige, ya shoulda told me. I woulda laid off of ya for a bit. Did you want me to take you back ta your place?"
"No, I need this night out. I need to get him off my mind. He wasn't the right guy."
"Can I ask what happened between the two of ya?"
You hesitated a bit and then told Niall the brief truth, "I told him I quit my job so I could pursue my dream as a musician and song writer. He thought it was stupid and I didn't think I could be with a man who didn't believe in me."
"I see."
"Oh no, you think I'm stupid too don't you?"
"No not at all. I'm a musician myself actually."
"Oh really? Do you love it?"
"I do. I can't imagine doing anything else with my life."
You smiled at the thought.
"You don't, uh recognize me?" Niall asked with a bit of hesitation.
"I mean you look familiar, but I just figured that was because I saw you last night."
"Fair enough."
"Why? Are you like some big superstar or something?" you asked with a laugh.
Niall gave you a look and you weren't sure how to take it.
"I wouldn't say superstar..." he said back, "but enough about me, how does Italian sound?"
You could tell the conversation was making him a bit uncomfortable so you went along with him.
"It sounds amazing," you said.
You were definitely not going to let the whole musician thing go though.
Why does he look so familiar. I've had to of met him before last night.

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