Before I Leave Town

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For the next couple of weeks all you could think about was your date with Niall and that kiss! It gave you butterflies just thinking about it. That moment made you forget that he was a famous singer and it made you feel like he was a normal person. Which he is, that was one of the reasons you liked him so much and why you decided not to tell him you knew who he was. You felt bad enough about how the night ended, you didn't need him to think you only liked him because he was famous.
It was Thursday and you hadn't heard from Niall since that night. You were afraid you scared him off and he didn't want to see you again. Your mind always had a way of thinking of worst-case scenarios.
You spent the afternoon writing music, it helped calm you down. Plus you couldn't get those chords, that Niall played, out of your head. They just kept playing on repeat in your brain until soon you had a nearly complete song.

*buzz buzz*
It was Emma.

Heyyy. Haven't heard from you
in a while! How are things??
                               Good. Sorry I've been a ghost,
                                  trying to write some music!

Ooh anything I can hear?

                                        Not yet! But I'm so close

How about that Niall fella?

                                 Still haven't heard from him.

You heard another buzz expecting another text from Emma.

Heading to LA this weekend
Can I see you tonight?

Your heart fluttered. Niall wanted to see you again! The text couldn't have come at a better time.

                                               I could use a drink,
                                                     how about you?

I'm always down for a pint!
Wanna meet me at that new pub? Figured we had a good enough time last time we were there, huh? 😉

                                                    Works for me! 7?

I can't wait that long, 6:30?

You laughed. He had a way of making you laugh no matter how you were feeling.

                                            I guess I could do 6:30

6 rolled around and you left your house in a cute romper and sandals. You left your hair straight and put on a bit more makeup that usual but not a full face.
You pulled up and you saw Niall's car parked near the pub. When you walked in you saw him immediately. The table he was sitting at had two glasses of a dark beer and then the memories of that one faithful night a few weeks back started to flood your mind. He waved you down when he saw you. When you got to the table, he stood up and gave you a short kiss on the cheek.
"I was starting to think I scared you off after only one date," you said with a cheeky smile.
"Oh I don't scare that easy," he said back with a smile mimicking your tone, then he continued, "I took the liberty of ordering you the specialty for tonight."
"Thank you," you said and smiled, "last time I had a beer here, I woke up in a strangers bed."
He laughed and shot back, "well at least this time, I'm not a stranger."
"Are you saying I'm gonna end up in your bed again tonight?" you said with a teasing smile.
"We'll see where the night leads," he said back before raising his glass. You raised up your glass to meet his until you heard a clink.
"Do you like fried pickles? I'm starting to get hungry," he asked after your first beer.
"Yes I love them! I'm getting hungry too, French fries sound really good," you said while winking in a really obvious and obnoxious way.
"Alright alright I can take a hint, pickles and fries it is!"
You were eating, enjoying yourselves until your conversation was interrupted by a woman's voice over the speaker...hello everyone! We are gonna do something different tonight and try some karaoke! There are binders with songs up front here, if you find one you like just sign up with our DJ over there!

"You should sing a song," Niall said before taking a sip of his beer.
"You should get up there and sing a song with me!" You said right before grabbing his arm to go check out songs. He laughed and willing went along with you.
"Oh, what about that one?" you said as you flipped through the binder of songs.
"Nah we need something more like that!"
"Um I don't think so," you said back laughing.
"How about this?" He suggested.
"I love that song."
Once you said that Niall immediately took it over to the DJ and signed the two of you up. You were about fourth in line so you had some time to get more alcohol in you before you got on stage. You weren't afraid of performing usually, but something about doing it in front of Niall, with Niall, made you a bit more nervous than usual.
About 20 minutes later you heard the DJ's voice over the speakers, "Alright. Next up we have Niall and Paige singing, I Got You Babe."
"I guess that's us," Niall said as he was about to get up.
"You look a little nervous there sham," you said joking around trying out some Irish slang, "you're gonna be just fine."
"Okay, if you say so," he said back in a girly American voice.
"Is that what I sound like?"
"Maybe a little bit."
The two of you laughed and it made you feel calmer. Then the music started, the sweet tune from the 60's brought back so many childhood memories.
You started it off singing, "they say we're young and we don't know, we won't find out until we grow."
Niall smiled at you and continued on, "well I don't know if all that's true. Cause you got me and baby I got you."
Then without missing a beat, in unison you sang, "babe. I got you babe. I got you babe."

When the song was over everyone applauded and you felt such a rush.
"Feels good, doesn't it?" Niall asked when he saw you smiling.
"It really does."
"I love that feeling, knowing that you're up on that stage, singing your heart out and everyone in the crowd is singin' right along with you."
"Must be nice to do that for a living," you said tenderly.
"It really is the best. I'm sure you'll be up there some day Paige, just give it time."
It was nice to have someone say they believed in your dreams and when Niall said it, you knew he meant it.
"So what are you going to LA for?" you asked as the two of you sat down for another pint.
"Oh uh, my producers want to go over a few things and they thought I should be there in person."
"When are you gonna be back?"
"What? Miss me already?" he asked, teasing you.
"No, just wondering how long I have to finish this song I've been working on. I was hoping to have it done before I saw you again, but that didn't happen."
"Well I vote that we go back to my place, you can play me what you have and maybe we can work on it together a bit."
"Really? I would love your help!"
"Well what are we still doin' here?"
You smiled at him, then you both finished the last bit of your beers and made your way to his house.

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