Decisions Decisions

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After a seemingly short journey back to your flat, all you could think about was a shower and your own bed.
The shower was warm and helped clear your head a bit. You didn't have a bad taste in your mouth, a good sign you probably didn't throw up which is one positive note to take away from the night before.
Soon after you got out of the shower, your phone started buzzing on your bed. Your heart skipped a beat, the first person to cross your mind was Niall. You still couldn't believe the night before. You looked at your phone eagerly and saw that it was Emma calling, you were a bit disappointed, but you were so ready to share your night with Emma and hear how her's went. You picked up the phone and immediate after you said hello there was a loud scream that came through the tiny speaker.
"Well good morning to you too Emma."
"Hi sorry just really excited, I met the man of my dreams last night!!!"
Emma met the man of her dreams often, so you sounded excited for her, but didn't get your hopes up too high.
"The singer from the pub?" You asked.
"Yes! His name is Josh and he's a total dreamboat! He can sing, he can play the guitar, he's sweet, he's funny, he's everything Paige! We're going on another date tonight!"
"I'm happy for you Emma."
"Aw you sound sad. I'm sorry should I not have brought this up so soon after Connor?"
"No, oh my gosh it's fine. I'm fine. Really. It was the right decision and I'm okay."
"Are you sure because I would really love to take you to lunch today and talk your ear off!"
"As long as it doesn't involve alcohol I'm in."
"Uh oh, drink a bit to much last night? I'm glad you got home okay though!"
"Uh yeah, I did get home eventually."
"Um okay, sounds like lunch will be story time? I'll see you at The Q at 1 okay?"
The Q was a favorite diner of yours and Emma's and was always your go to for a weekend lunch.
"Sounds good Emma, I'll see you then!"
"Alright, bye!"

You hung up the phone and set an alarm for noon so you take a nap and you wouldn't miss lunch with Emma.

*beep beep beep*
Noooo, not yet. You thought as your alarm woke you up from your amazing Saturday morning nap. You laid there for a few minutes and decided that some food did sound good right about then, so you got up, quickly straightened your hair and put on a little mascara. You threw on some dark-wash jeans, your favorite pair of checkered slip-on Vans and a cute dark green hoodie. You knew Emma would be totally overdressed compared to you, but you were comfy and you didn't care.

You pulled up to The Q a little before 1 and asked the hostess for a table for two. Emma showed up a few minutes later and looked even more bubbly than usual and you were definitely right about her being overdressed compared to you. She was wearing navy shorts with a white and grey floral tank top. She had her hair curled with sunglasses pushed up on top of her head, keeping her hair out of her face. And to finish it all up she had wedges to match her shorts and an extravagant (but definitely fake) gold necklace with earrings to go along.
"Hi!" Emma exclaimed as she waved at you.
"Hey!" you waved back and smiled as she sat down.
She wasted no time tell you about Josh and she brought up last night and how they were going to live happily ever after, just like in a fairytale. You smiled and nodded as she talked because you knew that's all she really wanted, her family always gave negative opinions of them men she brought home so you always did your best to be a good friend and encourage when you thought he was a good guy or smile and nod when you weren't really sure. Soon Emma did a full circle with her story and ended on the topic of the pub last night. As soon as she remembered that you had a story she insisted on hearing every detail.
You told her everything, how you were dancing, how you woke up half naked in a strange man's house, how you really don't remember what really happened and you might've mentioned that he wants to see you again.
Emma squealed and asked, "So are you gonna go out with him?!"
"I don't know, don't you think it's a bit too soon to start dating someone else?"
"Well maybe, but you don't have to date him, just meet up with him, get to know him a little better. All I'm saying is don't totally blow him off in case you change your mind!"
"Okay so what should I do?"
"I think you should text him and let him know you're interested, but you need some time because you just broke up with your boyfriend. Or just tell him you're busy and you'll let him know when you're schedule opens up!"

With uncanny timing you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket.
*buzz buzz*
You picked up your phone.
"Ooo a text from him?" Emma pried.
"Maybe," you said while reading his text to you out loud.

Free tonight??
Don't really wanna wait to see ya again.

"What are you gonna say?!" Emma asked excitedly.
"I don't know, I want to see him but I still think it's too soon."
"From what you told me he sounds really sweet and maybe you should consider it. It's just a date, you don't have to fall in love and have babies or anything crazy like that!"
"Oh my gosh Emma," you said and rolled your eyes.
"What? It's true!" she said back with a giggle.

Dinner doesn't sound too bad of an idea

Pick you up at 7?

You show your phone to Emma and she smiled and squealed a little more.

*buzz buzz*
"Oh another text from Niall?" Emma asked.
"No, it's Connor. He wants to talk."
The mood in Emmas voice had completely changed when she heard that, then asked, "Oh. What are you gonna say? Do you wanna talk?"
"I don't know what I'm gonna say. I don't think I want to talk, I was relieved when he left. Our fighting was over and I can do work that makes me happy now."
"Maybe, but you did date for two years. You both deserve a little more closure than a fight."
"Yeah maybe you're right."
You texted him back and told him it was a good idea to talk.
"He wants to talk tonight."
"Oh, well maybe talk before you go on your date with Niall. Or cancel on one of them and reschedule the other."
"I don't really want to do either of those things honestly."
"So what are you gonna do?"
"I don't really know."

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