Chapter 21: Gone

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Hope you guys are alright. Sorry for not updating for so long but I had lots of drama happening in life. There is a long way to go but I am on the right track to success. I will probably update a lot more after this period, I just need to adjust to my new environment and how things work now.


I finally got out of the stadium and fresh air came into my nose, there wasn't any smell of sweat or odour outside unlike the inside which smells pretty horrible. I knew this was a bad idea but scientific research shows that high levels of boredom can cause heart attacks and kill you, they surely don't want me dying early, do they?

Since I had nothing to do and my stomach was terribly craving for food, I decided to go to a cafeteria near the stadium. I could smell the delicious scent of food even though I was nearly 5 metres away from the store, it lured me to the entrance, there a was a big sign with the name Lab on it. (Lab is a Korean owned bakery cafe)

I went into the cafeteria and ordered a large bowl bingsoo and mochi with a bottle of soda, I saw some tables outside the cafeteria and went to sit there. It was the season of spring and the scenery of the cherry blossoms blooming around the gigantic stadium was beautiful, the petals are dancing with each other like partners in a ballroom.

I waited about 10 minutes for my order and finally, an assistant bought my bingsoo and soda to my table. I ordered a mango bingsoo which contained mange flavoured shaving ice, ice cream and marshmallows. One glance of the divine bingsoo will make you start drooling. Then, they brought the mochi which was green tea flavoured. I gobbled all of the mochis down in one gulp which leads to me choking and nearly suffocating.

After I gobbled down the food, I went on my phone and scrolled through Instagram. Now, I am trying to digest what I just ate. I didn't realize how much time had past and it was nearly past the time that the match ends.

I knew that if Yukimura discovered that I sneaked away during the match I would be dead but since he is so focused on the match, there is a possibility that I may not be discovered and could let this incident slip away.

Just as I was about to stand up and walk to the stadium, I felt a cold shiver down my spine. Something bad is gonna happen. I always had a great ability to predict the misfortune that would come upon me. When I was small, I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen later and it did. Once I got back home as usual and found out that my dog Temmie had died naturally.

My phone suddenly rang, I was wondering who it was? Usually, no one calls me and only my team calls me when I am late for practice but it is definitely not them because they are playing a match. I wondered who it was?

I picked it up and found out that it was a doctor from Australia, why would a doctor call me? I listened to what she said and heard a series of sobbing and whimpering in the background, suddenly I knew something wasn't right.

"Ummm... Is everything okay over there?" I questioned, kinda curious about what happened.

She explained the situation in Australia, telling me how my mum got metastatic breast cancer which is a type of breast cancer which spreads from the original site in the breast to other organs or tissues in the body. The cancer may have spread to lymph nodes, the brain, liver, lungs or bones.

This means that I have to go back to Australia to assist her with her surgeries since there is no other family member in Australia other than the elderly. I couldn't bother my uncle and aunty since they already did a lot for enough me, taking care of me hear but it looks like I can't participate in Nationals this year which is kind of wretched. I really want to play in Nationals but I guess this is my fate.

I have no other option but to leave since this is an emergency, I headed to the Japanese International Airport and caught the nearest flight to Australia.

Meanwhile at the stadium.

Everyone was surprised and shocked when they found out Yuki disappeared but Nationals had to still go on even if she isn't here.

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