Chapter 15: Temporary Paralysis

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There is approximately 2 weeks and 2 days until I start school. I told myself that I will not procrastinate and will not watch YouTube or listen to music while studying, but that means that I will not have time to draft, type and edit this story. Fortunately, I suck at focusing on work which will mean that I can still continue the story. I got 3 'B's last year for my yearly report and for an Asian parent, a 'B' means fail. I legit got a big scolding from my dad but everything turned out fine in the end... Well, he said that next year I should get full 'A's for my midyear report.


"The best thing to do right now is not to act irrationally! The odds are against you in this situation." Yanagi spoke while glancing at his book of data. I clearly ignored his precautions and stepped onto the court again, the match continued. The onlookers and spectators where all stunned at the fact that I still wanted to play even after such a devastating accident."An injury like that and she still wants to compete against Ryoma... That's stupid." Inui murmured to his teammates.

It was my turn to serve, my serve was faster than usual since losing one of my senses will strengthen the other one. It was an ace, Ryoma was startled by the serve and didn't have time to react which caused him to miss the ball. I could see the astonished look on his face wondering how I was able to have such a strong serve even after an injury to the eye by the racquet."Hey! It's only a scratch, you guys are taking it too seriously." I said with a cocky and arrogant attitude, indirectly trying to comfort Jackal since I could see that he was nervous and very worried about me playing with a severe eye injury.

"Now I remember, there was a theory I heard before. When your muscles continuously suffer the same impact from topspins and slice shots, it will numb your arm a bit, this is termed as temporary paralysis. The moment Yuki suffers the temporary paralysis, it's the best opportunity for the opponent to strike." Yanagi recalled after researching on his phone. Game, Seigaku, Echizen. Game count, 1-4 Rikkaidai leads. I was leading by three games but Ryoma is slowly catching up. The crowd was whispering to each other about how I was doomed since Ryoma broke my service round and how my injured eye was giving him an advantage.

"Her probability of returning the shot is 0. She can't get the ball because she loses her grip at the same time" Yanagi states. I could see everyone was tensing up while hearing what Yanagi had just said. The empire announced," Game, Seigaku, Echizen. Rikkaidai leads and the game count is 4-2." The game went on the Ryoma was getting more games off me, the game count right now is 4-3. I was leading, though Ryoma is one game away from getting tied with me.

"Geez! There are only three minutes left, I gotta finish up quickly." I taunted at the opposing team. The players in Seigaku was amazed at how I was able to taunt them and Ryoma when I was in such a state. In the end, I was able to find a weakness in the technique he was using, if you switch hands once a while to hit the ball, the path of the ball won't be predicted by your opponent so he can't hit slices and top spins anymore. The other weakness is that if you hit a topspin ball towards the opponent's body, they won't be able to hit it back with a slice or another topspin ball.

After learning the solution to the technique, I starting to go on the offensive side. Since Ryoma does have more than one trick up his sleeve, he stopped using it and used the other techniques that he learned from his opponents. My time was running out so I have to finish the game quickly, but suddenly I lost consciousness...

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