2. The Difference

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Hi there! Thanks for clicking on the second chapter for The Drops Within Sakura Petals. Really grateful for your support :)

Welcome new students, to Soul Reaper Academy! You are now part of a proud tradition, a unique school dedicated to building the stealth forces of the Gotei 13 of the future. Apply yourselves diligently to your studies and uphold the honor of our school.

"Uphold the honor of our school? Heh, sounds like someone right?" Namiko smirked as she walked with Byakuya to the Advanced Class.

"Enough with it. We're now special students, you need to behave like one too. Please don't disgrace me in front of everyone. It'll be disgusting if my honor and pride gets shamed by someone like you." Byakuya told her calmly as he walked towards the Special Advanced Class door.

Ah he's done it again. Why does he always go into his 'Noble Mode' whenever we are in front of other people. I just want to strangle him so bad! All he does is ramble on about his pride and his honor and his clan and his whatever. Seriously Byakuya! Can't you speak of other things! You are ticking me off so bad!

"Let me introduce myself, students, my name is Gengoro Ounabara. I'm also pleased to inform you that of all the incoming freshmen, your test scores of the entrance exams were the highest. In other words, welcome to the Advanced Class! Congratulations! Of course, that means the expectations for you are higher as well. You must train hard and strive hard to not only serve your future squad but excel in your various pursuits. The first thing I need you all to do is to introduce yourself one by one. All of you are going to work together sooner or later so it is better if you form good solid relationships right now. Alright, that guy at the corner you can start by saying your name and which squad you're interested in."

"My name is Soutaru Hiashi I'm interested in Squad 3."


And finally it was Namiko's turn.

'What, she's just a kid! How can she come to such a class!' Such and such were on the lips of several of Namiko's classmates.

Namiko ignored those murmurings and stated, " My name is Ukitake Namiko, I would like to serve in Squad 4 one day."

The whole room burst out in laughter. No one really thought that strong shinigami should serve in the healing squad. If you are strong, you should serve in the front lines and not be a coward, hiding behind the scenes doing the patching up and everything. So the outburst of laughter was a natural reaction to Namiko's claim on serving in Squad 4.

"I don't see what's wrong with that. Why are all of you laughing?" a voice came from the entrance of the class.

The students all turned to face the direction where the voice came from. There stood the newly-appointed Lieutenant of Squad 13, Shiba Kaien.

"Look! It's the prodigy of the school!"

"Yeah! He's the one who finished the 6-year curriculum in two years!"

Gengoro-sensei raised his hand, indicating that he wanted them to be silent.

"As far as the Head Captain is concerned, it doesn't matter if you serve under Squad 11 or Squad 4. As long as you dedicate your life to serving the Gotei 13, and fight to protect the things you want and love. It really doesn't matter."

As Kaien spoke, many of those who were laughing and mocking Namiko earlier had their heads down for he was right.

When Kaien left the class, the introduction continued. When it was Byakuya's turn, everyone fell silent and held great respect for the kid as he stood up in elegance and spoke with confidence. They were so impressed it made a vein pop on Namiko's forehead.

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