"I'm okay Corban." I whisper and kiss his cheek gently. He pulls me closer to him and wraps his arm around me resting his head in the crook of my neck. 

"I'm sorry... I just... You know." He trails off and I know exactly what she's talking about. After Merek woke me up, things were rough for a while. Corban completely broke when he lost me and not all of him was put back when I woke up. 

Plus the recovery was awful. I had terrible nightmares almost every night, I still get them every so often. Nightmares about Collet and the sacrifice. Nightmares where Merek wasn't able to wake me up and I'm forced to watch from above, while Corban takes his own life to see me again.  

"I know." I whisper kissing at his neck gently. He sighs and hugs me tighter. I could literally feel his wolf relaxing.

"I'm right here." I murmur. He nods not saying anything. I figure it will be ahile until we find our new normal. At this point, Corban nearly has a heart attack if I trip. But I understand, god do I understand. So I try not to fight with him on it. "I love you. You know that right?" I question. He nods.

"Not as much as I love you though." I roll my eyes and playfully shove him away. 

"Yeah right." He shakes his head.

"It's true." He says with a ghost of a smirk.

"Let's agree to disagree." I laugh and return my attention to the dishes in the sink. Before I can do anything Corban himself picks up the large pieces of glass that still there wordlessly and puts them in the trash. I don't add a comment and wash the remaining three dishes. Corban watches my from the counter. 

"Maybe I shoul-" I quickly cut him off.

"I can wash the dishes love." My tone isn't harsh at all. It's gentle. Corban nods and fidgets in his seat. His eyes glaze over and I quickly realize that he's mind linking. He finishes and clears his throat.

"What is it?" I question curiously. He stands from the counter. "That was Easton. He's with Merek and Daniel. Merek needs to talk to us." He says. Anxiety pools in my stomach.

"Is everything alright?" I question. Corban looks at me. It looks like he's seen a ghost which only adds to my anxiety.

"I don't know"

♛ ♛ ♛

~ Unknown POV ~

I passed back and fourth anxiously biting at my fingernails. They were practically to the nub now but I didn't care. It was a compulsion.

What had I done? What had I just done?!

How could I have done this?

It wasn't right.

It wasn't fair.

But I did it. I can't rewind and change my mind. This was irreversible. I have to live with my decision. My mind races for any way that I can make it better. Anyway that I will somehow be able to lessen the blow. There has to be a way. 

"Mother? Are you alright?" My head snaps in the direction of my son. He looks so serious, he always looked so serious. Just like his father. Cold, steel eyes that burn through whatever they look at. "What's bothering you?" He questions softly. I shake my head. How could I explain this to him without him hating me? I couldn't. I have to make a cover story. But it doesn't have to be all a lie.

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