Chap 8

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Your POV

I slowly awaken to the noise of grunting and pounding.
My eyes struggle to flutter open having only just been concussed by the collision between my head, and the wall.

The pounding continues.

In my hazy vision I see Coole moving fast.


*grunt* I sure hope Y/N doesn't see me doing this. I think.
*sexual sigh*


My eyes adjust. Finally I See.

Coole doing the Worm furiously.
Woah hes out of control.

Look out Coole you're going to high.

Coole leaps majestically into the air hitting the table. Knocking the now cold icecream all over his once clean floor.

Oh no, you weren't meant to witnesses this, y/n. But alas I must continue, he says apocalyptically.

Coole POV

I can't believe I embarrassed myself yet AGAIN. Come on Coole het yourself together.

Oh! That icecream was for him/her. I swiftly worm over to my hydro flask and begin sweeping the liquified icecream into the metal cylinder.

"Why are you doing the worm, inspector?" She whispers.

Oh, right she isn't aware. "I'm got bored after knocking you out, so I decided to try beat the world record for doing the longest worm EVER".

"Ahhh, that makes sense" she/he says.

"Here take this" I worm over to her.
Something from the floor is sticking in my side.

I give her the flask and she gulps it ferociously. Aw, shes cute when she drinks all agressive like that. COOLE not again. Gotta concentrate on your record.

"OUCH something just got stuck in my teeth, it must have been from the floor"

"S o R r Y" i say.


Coole starts picking up pace.

Oh no hes kicking up a storm.
Literally, lightning is shooting out of his convusling form.

Dust starts spiralling around him.


A black hole gradually starts to swallow him up and he worms right through it.


Not just seconds ago, he was vigorously waving his whole body like the sea on a stormy night. And he has vanished into what appeared to be, a worm hole?

Y/N is left upset and very distressed.

An: plot twist 👁👄👁

An inspector calls modern police au [ Inspector Goole x reader ]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu