Laser tag

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TW: Gore 🔥


As I finish astral projecting I'm awoken to a strange sensation.

Something is inside me?
As I think this, something warm trickles down my laying form. My eyes flutter open to someone hovering

As my vision adjusts I notice that the figure atop me is in fact Coole.

Whats he doing?!

He seems to notice me stirring beneath him, picnic washing over his stoic features.

"Oh noo I- I can explain" he rushes to say, holding up multiple different medical instruments?

"Why are you covered in blood Coole?!?!" I Bellow

"I operate" we says deadpan as he continues what he was doing.

"I was just checking your vitals, ready for when I take you back to your cell :)"

Erm coole... that's not very cool of you.


Coole i think its time you stop, thats got to hurt.

Pffft why do I care actually, it's not like I like her... right?
Correct I despise her.

A stray dust particle majestically floats towards Coole's nasal passages.


My nose obtains a sudden itch causing me to achoooooooo


And while doing so I jolt with the scalpel, SEVERING HER ARCHERY.

No ones point of view

Oh no Coole what did you do this time?! HER/HES/THEIR BLOOD ejected out of her/his/their chest like a USB from an old laptop containing multiple corrupt and unfinished homework word documents.

The inspector panics trying to find something to stop the bleeding, he fumbles grabbing the nearest thing to plug the hole, a half eaten frube tube. He stuffs it in and send a letter to the emergency services. The letter is addressed to Dr 999, just as he was taught in primary school!

Good job call 👍.

Your vision begins to grow hazy as you lose more and more blood. You're running on empty and look like a raisin.

It's not long before you feel cold and the darkness englufs you.

AN: for people who skipped cuz of the gore... basso, coole wakes you up by operating on you and then severs an artery. Now he is sending a letter for help :)

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